“Well, it won’t happen again.”

“I hope it will,” I replied with a wink.

“Oh I can promise plenty more of what you’re talking about, just with a condom next time. Come on, let’s get you washed. I need to work for a couple of hours this morning.”

After spending far too long in the shower, Brody climbed out wrapping a towel around his waist. “I’ll be back before Ethan comes, sweetheart,” he promised, kissing me on the cheek, before heading back to his room to get dressed. Coming out of the bathroom I dried my hair, throwing some jeans and a shirt on. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand I smiled when I saw a message from Savannah. Opening it, a picture of Hope flashed up on the screen. She was fast asleep and wrapped up a in pale pink blanket. Underneath it was a message.

Savannah: Hello, Auntie Quinn. I’m coming home today. Hope you’ll come and see me later. Love Hope.

Laughing, I typed out a reply, loving that Savannah had called me Auntie Quinn.

Me: Savannah, she is beautiful! Can’t wait to see you all later.

Slipping my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, I picked up my book and made my way downstairs. Heading straight outside, I sat on the porch swing, tucking my legs underneath me. I couldn’t face any breakfast. My stomach was churning with nerves at the thought of having to speak to the police about Evan. Sitting alone outside the house, I couldn’t help but look around, half expecting to see Evan walking up the driveway. Shaking my head, I picked up my book and began to read, picking up where I’d left off last night.

Ten minutes later the front door swung open, pulling me from the pages of my book. “Morning, Quinn,” Claire chirped as she came to stand next to me on the porch.

“Morning,” I replied, smiling at her.

“I’m popping into Marble Falls to pick up some things for when Savannah comes home. Do you need anything?” I shook my head.

“No, I’m fine thanks.”

“Okay, I’ll be back soon.” She started to make her way down the porch steps before turning back. “Oh, Quinn, with all the excitement of yesterday, I forgot.” She disappeared into the house. Standing up, I followed her into the kitchen.

“Forgot what?”

“This.” She held an envelope out to me. “It came in the mail yesterday. I’m sorry I didn’t give it you then.” Taking it from her I turned it over in my hands.

“Who could this be from?” I muttered. “No one knows I’m here.” A horn blasted from outside and I jumped.

“That’ll be Ryan. I’ve got to go, sweetheart. I’ll see you later.”

I nodded absentmindedly, my eyes still fixed on the envelope. Sitting down at the breakfast bar, I ripped the envelope open, pulling out the letter.

“No, no, no, no, no,” I chanted as I read down the page. This couldn’t be happening. The letter had come from the hospital in Marble Falls. They were apologizing for not being in touch sooner. They hadn’t realized my address had changed and had written to me at my old address. When they’d received no response, they’d gone back to the forms I’d completed on discharge. Seeing the ranch address I’d left for correspondence, they’d re-sent the original letter. Turning the paper over, it went on to explain the details I’d put down for the insurance didn’t relate to an active policy. They wouldn’t be paying out for the treatment I’d received. The hospital would contact me again in due course to arrange payment.

If they’d written to me at my old address, then Evan would have intercepted the letter. “He knows I’m in Marble Falls,” I said out loud to the empty kitchen. My stomach rolled, and I thought I was going to throw up. It definitelyhadbeen Evan I’d seen yesterday outside of the grocery store, and it was likely it had also been Evan I’d seen from Brody’s window last night. If Evan was hanging around the ranch, I had to let Brody know.

Standing up to reach for my phone, the doorbell chimed before I could call him. “He wouldn’t just ring the doorbell, would he?” I mumbled to myself as I slowly made my way toward the front door. My heart pounded as I peeked through the peephole, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw a police officer standing on the other side of the door. Swinging the door open, he smiled.

“Quinn Montgomery?” he asked, holding his badge out to me. Glancing down at it, I nodded. “I’m Officer Ethan Roberts from the Marble Falls police department. Would you be able to come with me to the station? I’ve got a few questions to ask you in relation to Evan Williams.”

“Come to the station?” I asked in surprise. “Brody said you were coming to talk to me here, at the house?” He nodded as he put his badge in his pocket.

“I did tell Brody that. Unfortunately, the officers in Westwood want the interview recording. For that I need you at the station, ma’am.”

“Oh. Okay. I’ll just grab my purse.” He nodded and stepped away from the door, his hands going into his pocket. Closing the door, I raced upstairs, finding my purse on the dresser. Scooping it up, I pulled my phone from my pocket and found Brody’s name in my contacts list. Hitting the call button, I listened as it went straight to voicemail. Not wanting to leave a message I ended the call, quickly typing out a text instead.

Me: Ethan’s arrived. He wants me to go to the station with him. Call me as soon as you can. Love you.

I decided not to tell him in a message about the letter I’d received. It was too complicated to explain in a text. I’d wait until he called. Nerves swirled in my stomach at the thought of having to tell people about Evan. I’d really wanted Brody to be with me when I spoke to him. I could only hope he picked up his message in time to meet me at the station.

Meeting Ethan on the porch he escorted me to the waiting police car, introducing me to Officer Buchanan who was sitting in the driver's seat. Holding open the door to the back seat, I climbed in, fixing my seatbelt as I watched Ethan get into the passenger seat.

An uneasy feeling came over me, and I tried to ignore it, telling myself I was just nervous. I hoped I was right.
