Shutting my eyes, I lowered my head and sighed. “There’s no way around it?” I asked in desperation, not wanting Quinn to have to know what Evan had done.

“I’m sorry, man,” Ethan said, his voice showing his remorse.

“Fine. But make it late tomorrow, give me a chance to talk to her first.” I ended the call, not waiting for a reply. I knew it wasn’t Ethan’s fault. He was just doing his job. Tossing my phone across the small plastic table, I groaned, dropping my head into my hands.

“Brody?” Josh asked, concern lacing his voice. “What was all that about?”

Lifting my head, I saw the worry on his face. “Do you remember me saying I was going to ask Ethan to run Quinn’s stepfather’s details through the police computer?” He nodded. “Well, that conversation was the outcome of him doing just that.”

“Homicide?” Mason asked quietly. I nodded. “Shit.”

“From what Quinn’s told me, it sounds like he’s killed the guys he owed money to.”

“Do you think he’ll come for her?” Josh asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I have no idea. As far as I know, he has no clue where she is. America’s a big-ass country. She could have gone anywhere.” The idea that Quinn could have chosen a different bus that night, one that didn’t bring her to Marble Falls and the ranch, made my heart ache.

“Are you going to tell her?” Josh asked.

“I’ve got no choice,” I told him. “Ethan wants to come and talk to her. Apparently, the police department in Westwood have been looking for her. She’s a missing person.” Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair. “Until they can locate her and know she wasn’t involved, she’s a person of interest.” Needing to see her I got to my feet. “Let’s head back. I need to know she’s okay.”

As Josh and Mason got up, Josh put his hand on my shoulder. “Anything you need, we’re here for you, Brode. Remember that.” I saw Mason nod, and I pulled Josh into a one-armed hug, slapping his back.

“Thanks, guys.”

Walking back through the corridors of the hospital, my mind raced with everything Ethan had told me. I needed to get back to Savannah’s room and see my girl with my own eyes to know she was safe. It was irrational as I knew I’d left her with Savannah and Libby, but after hearing all that from Ethan, I didn’t ever want to let Quinn out of my sight again. I had no idea how I was going to tell her what Evan had done. I just hoped I could convince her to stay with me where she belonged.


Standing in Savannah’s hospital room I watched as she held her newborn daughter in her arms. She looked exhausted but so happy. Libby had been cuddling Hope when she started to fuss, so Savannah had taken her back, soothing her almost immediately. It was crazy to think she was only a couple of hours old, but she already knew who her momma was.

Savannah had filled us in on the labor and birth and hearing her story had made me press my legs together tightly. As amazing as Hope was, there was no way I wanted children anytime soon. I’m sure as soon as Sav held Hope in her arms she forgot all the pain she’d endured, but for me, hearing about it was enough.

“Quinn, get over here,” Sav called, motioning for me to go over. I’d backed away from the bed to give them some space. I was acutely aware I was intruding on a special family moment and wasn’t completely comfortable with being there. “Do you want to hold her?” Savannah asked as I came to stand next to her.

“I’d love to.” I leaned down, and she placed Hope into my arms. “Oh, she’s so tiny,” I whispered, my eyes fixed on Hope. Opening her blanket slightly, I brushed my finger across the silky soft skin of her small hand. Grabbing hold of my finger, her hand fisted around it as she opened her eyes. Beautiful blue eyes stared back at me, her long eyelashes almost touching her cheeks when she blinked.

“Hello, Hope,” I cooed. She yawned in reply and closed her eyes, falling asleep in my arms. “She’s perfect, Savannah.” Her response was also to yawn, and she dropped her head back on her pillow closing her eyes.

“You sleep, we’ll watch Hope,” Libby whispered to Savannah, pulling the sheet over her. She was asleep before Libby could finish covering her up. I could only imagine how exhausted she must be. “I’m just going to grab a coffee from the vending machine down the hall. Do you want anything?” Libby whispered. I shook my head, and she slipped out of the door, leaving me holding Hope.

Looking around, I walked over to a large recliner chair in the corner of the room. Sitting down I couldn’t take my eyes off Hope. She was fast asleep but making tiny grunting noises, and occasionally her face would scrunch up before smoothing out again. She was fascinating to watch. Hearing the door, I dragged my eyes off Hope to see Josh entering, followed by Mason and Brody. I quickly put my fingers to my lips and gestured with my head to a sleeping Savannah. Josh crossed the room and placed a soft kiss on Hope’s head before making his way to Savannah and doing the same. I whispered to Mason that Libby had gone for coffee and he nodded, leaving the room to find her. Catching Brody’s eye, I saw him grinning as he watched me with Hope.

“Hey, baby. You look comfy there,” he whispered. Squatting down by the side of the chair, he kissed my lips.

“She’s perfect, Brody,” I told him, staring down at her. He nodded.

“She is.” We sat in silence for a few minutes watching Hope. I realized though that Brody was in fact watching me and not Hope.

“Everything okay?” I asked seeing a strange expression on his face.

“Everything’s fine.” His eyes dropped from mine to focus on Hope. I frowned.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, sweetheart.”

I nodded, not convinced he was telling me the truth.