“Your scar is beautiful, Quinn.” I lowered my head and brushed my lips across hers. “It shows me what an amazing…” I paused kissing her again. “Selfless…” I dropped another kiss on her lips. “Amazing...” My lips brushed hers once more. “Person you are. You should wear it with pride. Don’t ever hide it from me.” She smiled.

“You said amazing twice.”

“That’s because it needs to be said twice. I’m in awe of what you did, baby,” I told her softly. Sitting back slightly, her towel had fallen open and my eyes fell on the tattoo I’d seen in the bathroom at the hospital. “This is beautiful.” I swept my fingers over the tattoo of a butterfly on her hip.

“I had it done after Mom died. She loved butterflies, and I wanted something good on my body that reminded me of her.”

“It’s perfect. I’m sure she would have loved it,” I whispered, bending my head to kiss over it. Seeing I’d completely embarrassed her, I changed the subject. “Now get dressed and let’s go out. I want the world to know you’re mine.”

Standing up, she gave me a grateful smile, before heading to the closet. “Do I need to dress up?”

“Nope. Jeans and Converse will be fine.”

“Perfect.” She looked relieved that she didn’t need to get dressed up. Pushing myself up off her bed I frowned.

“Baby, your bed’s all wet, you’ll need to sleep with me tonight. Can’t have you sleeping in wet sheets,” I told her with a smirk before leaving the room, her laughter echoing behind me.

I hadn’t planned to get her bed wet, but now that it was, I had the perfect excuse to have her wrapped around me all night.


Iwoke up the next morning to Brody leaning over me fully clothed. Pouting, I grabbed hold of his shirt. “Where are you going?” I whined. “Get back into bed.” He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

“I’ve got to check something on the ranch, baby. Go back to sleep. It’s still early.”

“Are you coming back?”

“Of course. It shouldn’t take more than an hour. I promise.”

“Okay. I’ll be waiting.” I snuggled back down into his bed and closed my eyes, feeling him kiss my forehead again.

“So beautiful,” I heard him whisper as he left the room and I smiled as I drifted back to sleep, missing his warm body next to mine.

Waking up sometime later, I stretched my arm out hoping to find Brody, but was met with a cold empty bed. Reaching for my phone off the nightstand, I saw it was just after 10 a.m. Flopping back down I smiled as my mind drifted to our date last night. We’d gone for pizza in a small restaurant in Marble Falls. It wasn’t as fancy as our first date, but I didn’t care. I just loved being with him and I think he felt the same. After we’d eaten pizza, Brody had taken me to a quiet bar on the main street in Marble Falls and we’d sat cuddled up in a booth. His hand had been holding mine or touching me in some way all night and I loved it. We’d talked nonstop, as if we’d known each other forever. He’d told me about his childhood—growing up on the ranch and his football playing days—and I’d told him about growing up in Westwood, just me and Mom. There were no awkward silences; the more time I spent with him, the more I fell for him and the more I began to believe I could stay here and be happy.

Sighing, I climbed out of bed and walked across to the window, pulling open the drapes a little. Looking out across the ranch I searched for Brody but couldn’t see him. I hoped everything was okay. Glancing down at my phone I typed out a quick text.

Me: Hey, I’m awake. Hope everything’s ok?

I stared at my phone for a few minutes, frowning when I didn't receive a reply. It was possible he was at the edge of the ranch and had no signal. He’d told me the coverage wasn’t great everywhere.

Throwing some clothes on, I tied my hair up and made my way downstairs, finding Claire in the kitchen. She was pacing up and down, her phone in her hand. “Is everything okay?” I asked, walking to her side.

“Oh, Quinn! Thank goodness you’re awake! If I don’t tell someone soon, I’m going to explode!”

“Tell me what?” I gasped, her excitement catching.

“Savannah’s having the baby! Josh texted in the night and I only picked up the message after Ryan and Brody had gone out this morning.” She held her phone in the air. “I’m waiting for news. I can’t get hold of either of them and I’m going mad here waiting.”

“I knew it! She was having a really bad backache yesterday. How exciting. You should have woken me. I could have waited with you.” I gently tugged on her hand, encouraging her to sit down at the breakfast bar. “Let me make you a coffee. Have you eaten this morning?”

She shook her head. “I can’t, I’m too nervous.” She flipped the phone over in her hand, her eyes fixed on the screen.

“You need to eat. We can’t have you passing out. I’ll make you something. How about pancakes?” She nodded absentmindedly, and I smiled as I grabbed everything I needed to make them. Ten minutes later and I popped two pancakes in front of her along with a steaming cup of coffee. Snapping out of her daze, she turned to me.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” Standing up, she pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry. I’m so all over the place.”

“It’s understandable, don’t apologize.”