Brody: Good luck! I’m taking you out tonight so be ready at seven.

Me: Okay, can’t wait.

Brody: Me either, sweetheart.

“What’s he saying?” she asked as she put a huge forkful of cheesecake in her mouth.

“He’s telling me he’s taking me out tonight.”

“My brother, the romantic! Who’d have thought. So… what’s going on with you two anyway?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “We’re dating.” I watched as she shook her head and I raised my eyebrows in question.

“I’ve seen Brody dating. What you’ve got going on isn’t that.”

“What do you mean?”

“When Brody dates, he takes a girl out once or twice. Every time I see him you’re together. That’s more than dating.”

“More than dating?” I repeated, still confused by what she was trying to say.

She nodded. “My brother’s got it bad. We told him when the right girl came along he wouldn’t know what hit him. I love being right.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I shook my head. “We’re just dating.” She burst out laughing and I looked at her like she was crazy.

“Just wait and see,” she said cryptically. “You like him though?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I really do.” I was falling for him more and more each day. My heart was all in, but my head was telling me what I was beginning to feel for him would make leaving unbearable. The past couple of weeks had been so good. There were days when I didn’t think of Evan at all. I loved being on the ranch and in another lifetime, I could see myself wanting to stay forever.

“Are you okay?” A frown crossed her face. “I hope I haven’t said the wrong thing.”

“No, of course not,” I reassured her. “I’m falling for him, Sav, and that scares me. What if I can’t stay?” I whispered. She moved to sit next to me and put her arm around me.

“Why can’t you stay?” I sighed. I didn’t want to tell her about Evan. To know I had some psycho after me.

“It’s complicated, but I can’t stay forever. I have nothing.”

“You have us. You have Brody.” She paused and turned in her seat so she was facing me. “Quinn, I’m serious. I’ve never seen Brody this into someone. I reckon he’s fallen as hard for you, as you have for him. If I’m right, then he’s not going to want to let you go.”

“That’s what scares me. He’s going to have to let me go eventually.” I could see the confusion on her face. I knew she didn’t understand.

“Whatever it is you aren’t telling me… you can trust me, Quinn.”

I sighed. “I know, Sav. And I will tell you… just not right now.” She nodded and squeezed my shoulder.

“Whenever you’re ready.” She smiled, and we were silent for a few minutes before I saw her hand go to her stomach. “Hey, baby’s kicking. Do you want to feel?” I nodded and placed my hand on her stomach, thankful for the distraction from where the conversation was leading.

“Oh wow! That’s amazing.” I felt a strong kick under my hand.

“They’re quite a wriggler.” She lovingly rubbing her hand across her stomach. “And I’m definitely ready to meet him or her now.”

“I’m guessing it won’t be long.”

“I hope not. Feel like watching a movie?” I nodded, and we spent the rest of the afternoon drooling over Ryan Gosling in The Notebook. Hearing the front door open, Savannah eased herself off the couch. “I bet that’s Josh. I told him I’d be here.” Standing up, she pulled me into a hug. “Don’t forget, I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, hugging her back. Pulling out of the hug, she grinned.

“Enjoy your date. Can’t wait to hear all about it.” She paused. “Well, maybe not all of it; he is my brother after all.” I laughed and linked her arm as we walked out into the hall.