“What’s that?” A frown formed on her face and I could tell that she was confused.

“Well, it’s a phone.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I can see that, but why would you give me a phone? I can’t accept it,” she continued, before I was able to respond.

“It’s not a birthday present,” I assured her, a small smile forming on my lips. I knew I would have trouble getting her to accept the phone. I wasn’t about to let her tell me no though.

“Even more reason for me not to accept it then. I can’t just let you buy me a phone. I don’t have any money to pay the bill, Brody.” She shook her head. “It’s too much.”

“If you’re going to be working on the ranch, you’ll need a phone.”


“What happens if you’re cleaning one of the more remote cabins and something happens? You wouldn’t be able to contact anyone.”

“What’s going to happen?” she asked incredulously.

“Anything could happen. You can’t be out on the ranch without a phone. It’s ranch policy.” I tried not to smile as I slid the phone closer toward her.

She burst out laughing. “Ranch policy. You just made that up, didn’t you?” She slid the phone back across the table. “I can’t take it, Brody.”

“You can.” I pushed it back in front of her. “And I didn’t make it up. Every ranch employee has a phone.”

“So, you bought every employee a phone?” She raised her eyebrows in question.

“Well, no—” I started.

“Didn’t think so. Thank you, Brody, but I can’t accept it.”

“I didn’t need to buy the other employees a phone. They already had one when they started. You don’t have one, so…” I nodded toward the phone. “Please take it.”

Sighing she picked up the phone, turning it over in her hand. “You aren’t going to let me say no, are you?” I shook my head, and she closed her eyes. “Fine. But I’m paying you back as soon as I can.” She paused and opened her eyes. “Ranch policy! You are so full of shit.” I burst out laughing and after a few seconds she began to laugh too.

Pushing her chair back, she made her way around the table. Bending her head, she brushed her lips across my cheek. “Thank you,” she muttered. “Just going to find the restroom. Be right back.” My eyes followed her as she walked through the restaurant toward the bathroom. Her ass looked incredible in her tight dress. She wobbled slightly on her heels and I smiled to myself, thinking she’d look just as good in her jeans and Converse as she did in that dress and shoes.


As I made my way across the restaurant I held my breath, praying I wouldn’t fall flat on my face. Heels weren’t something I was used to, and I was finding it harder and harder to walk in them. Walking into the ladies' bathroom, I stopped in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection. I barely recognized the girl staring back at me. Savannah and Libby had done an amazing job on my hair and makeup. I felt like a different girl to the one scared and alone in Westwood a few weeks ago.

I couldn’t believe Brody had given me a phone. I knew what he’d said about the ranch policy was bullshit. It was just an excuse to get me to accept it. I did have to admit though, I would feel better having a phone if I was alone on the ranch. Although Evan had no idea where I was, and no way of finding out, I was still terrified that one day he would find me. At least if I had a phone I’d feel a little safer. I’d meant what I said though. As soon as I was able, I’d pay him back. I was no expert on phones, but it looked like the latest model, and I knew it wouldn’t have been cheap. I felt truly spoiled with the spa day, the restaurant, and now the phone.

After using the facilities, I washed my hands and fluffed my curls in the mirror before heading back out to the restaurant. As I neared our table I could see a waitress talking to Brody. Jealousy bubbled in my stomach as she flicked her long dark hair over her shoulder. Resting her hand on his arm, she was obviously flirting with him. Brody looked a little uncomfortable and moved his arm out of her reach. Looking past the waitress, he smiled when his eyes landed on mine. Smiling back, I watched as the waitress turned to see where he was looking. The smile slipped from her face when she saw me. As I neared the table she scurried away, and I sat down opposite him.

“You know I don’t have anyone to call, don’t you?” I picked the phone up off the table and pressed the home button. As the screen lit up, I burst out laughing and held the phone up for him to see. “I take it you did this?” I asked him, referring to the picture of his smiling face on the screen.

He nodded, a grin forming on his face. “I figured you needed a picture as your background. I thought that was a good one.” Looking down at the picture, I noticed he was wearing the same dark blue shirt he had on now.

“Did you take this while I was in the bathroom?”

“Yep. And you do have people to call. I’ve saved Savannah and Libby’s numbers in your contacts.” He picked up his drink and took a swig.

“Thank you. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

“There’s no need to thank me, Quinn. Like I said, the phone is ranch policy.” He winked at me and grinned. I shook my head at him, smiling back.

The food arrived shortly after, the flirty waitress being the one to bring it to us. I noticed that while she tried to flirt with Brody, she barely acknowledged me. Brody took no notice of her though. I smiled sweetly at her as she looked over at me before flouncing off. Maybe not everyone in Marble Falls was as friendly as I first thought.

“This is delicious, Brody,” I said through a mouthful of steak.