“Why would you mess it up?”

“I’m used to dating girls once or twice and then moving on to the next. I’ve never dated anyone where I wanted more than that.”

“You’ve got this, Brody. You’re a great guy. Just be yourself.”

“Thanks, man,” I told him, gratefully.

“Are we done with the girly talk now?” he asked, the smirk back on his face. I know he meant what he’d said, he was just using banter to try to get me to relax.

“Yeah, we’re done.” I rolled my eyes at him and tried to concentrate on what was on the TV.

Ten minutes later and Savannah popped her head around the door. “She’s almost ready, Brody,” she said excitedly, disappearing back into the hallway. Standing up, I wiped my sweaty palms down my jeans and dragged in a deep breath.

Standing up off the couch, Josh slapped me on the back. “Have fun, man.” He walked into the hallway and I heard him trying to persuade Savannah to leave. “Let’s go and give them some space.”

“I want to see his face when he sees Quinn,” I heard her say.

“No, Savannah. They don’t need an audience. I’m sure Quinn will fill you in on the details tomorrow,” Josh said firmly. I could hear her muffled protests as Josh led her further away from the den, finally hearing the front door close behind them. Walking into the hallway, I waited for Quinn. Looking up, I saw Libby coming down the stairs, a huge grin on her face. She paused as she reached me at the foot of the stairs.

“She’ll be right down. Have a great time.” She reached up and kissed my cheek before breezing past me and out the door. I watched her go before turning back around to look up the staircase. My breath caught in my throat as Quinn looked down at me from the top step. She was wearing the most incredible blue dress that fit her like a second skin, brushing perfectly over her curves. I watched open-mouthed as she smiled and walked down the stairs toward me.

“Quinn. You look… beautiful,” I stuttered watching her as she reached the bottom step, putting her eye level with me. Calling her beautiful didn’t seem to be enough of a compliment, but I was struggling to find a word that justified how incredible she looked.

“Thank you,” she said shyly. “You look good too.” Standing in silence on the bottom step, I couldn’t drag my eyes off her. I was finally pulled from my haze when she let out an awkward giggle.

“Shall we?” I held out my arm for her to take and she nodded as she slipped her hand over my arm. Leading her outside and down the porch steps, I walked her to my truck. Opening the passenger side door, I held her hand as she climbed up into the cab. My eyes dropped to the exposed zip on her dress. It went from the bottom of her ass right up her back, stopping at her neck. I could only imagine undoing it, my hands finding her warm skin underneath. Walking around to the driver’s side I jumped in and looked across at her.

“You okay?” I frowned as my eyes dropped to her hands that were clasped together tightly on her lap. She nodded. “Are you sure?” If you’d rather not go—”

“No! I want to go.” She paused and looked across at me embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I guess I’m just nervous,” she confessed, looking down at her lap. Reaching across I took one of her hands and held it in mine.

“It’s okay to be nervous. Would it make you feel better if I told you I was nervous too?” I watched as her head flew up, her eyes meeting mine. Smiling, she let out a giggle.

“Yeah, actually, it does. Thanks, Brody.” I could see her body visibly relax as she reached behind her to grab her seat belt. Once she was strapped in, she looked over to me. “Come on then, I’m starving.” Winking at her, I started the truck and pulled off the driveway, leaving the ranch behind us.

Thirty minutes later and we were pulling up outside the country club. Jumping out, I made my way around to her door, holding my hand out for her to take. Smiling, she put her hand in mine as she climbed out of the truck.

“It’s beautiful here, Brody,” she said as she looked around in awe.

“I hope the food's good,” I joked as I kept hold of her hand and led her toward the restaurant.

“Haven’t you been before?”

“No, but it comes highly recommended. Josh has brought Savannah here a few times.” She nodded, wobbling slightly on her heels as she walked beside me. Dropping her hand, I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my side. “You okay?” She looked up at me, her face flushed pink.

“These shoes take a bit of getting used to. I’m more of a Converse girl.”

“Well, you look incredible, but you look just as good in your Converse,” I whispered against her ear as we waited to be seated. I felt her shiver as my breath tickled her skin. I loved knowing I was having an effect on her. Just then the host beckoned us over, leading us to a table overlooking the golf course.

We ordered drinks, and the host left us with the menus. Quinn smiled at me before looking down at her menu. I hadn’t even glanced at it as I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off her. I’d noticed the host looking her up and down as he’d held her chair out for her. As much as I wanted to knock him out for looking, I couldn’t blame him. She was by far the most beautiful woman in the room. What made her even more beautiful was that she had no idea. Finally managing to tear my eyes away from her, I looked down at my menu.

“What do you think?” I asked her, knowing what I wanted was sitting right in front of me.

“It all sounds amazing, even if I don’t know what half of it is.” She laughed. “I just want a steak.”

“That sounds good; I’ll have the same.” I didn’t want to admit I didn’t have a clue what most of the things on the menu were either.

After we ordered, I put my hand into the pocket of my slacks where Quinn’s new phone sat. “So, I got you something.” I slipped the phone from my pocket and put it on the table in front of her. Her eyes dropped to the phone before rising back up to look at me.