“Everything will be fine Sav. Once we go to the appointment and you tell your parents, you’ll feel a whole lot better, and as for looking fat, you look incredible. Even with a huge bump, you’ll lookincredible.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Thank you Lib. I couldn’t do this withoutyou.”

“You could—you’re one of the strongest people I know.” She smiled at me. “Come on, let’s go see yourbaby.”

30 minutes later, we were sitting in the obstetrician’s waiting room. I glanced around nervously. There were women there at all stages of pregnancy. Some were like me and didn’t look pregnant at all, and others looked like they were about to pop. I couldn’t imagine my tiny bump getting that big, but I supposed it would. I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the women were there with their husbands or partners, and it made me feel sad that I was doing it alone. I hoped my parents—after their initial shock and disappointment—would support me, and of course I had Lib, but I wasn’t naive enough to think that could replace the support of a partner, let alone the fact that I wanted to be loved. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Libby squeezing myhand.

“I see you looking around. I know what you’re thinking, but just because you’re having this baby alone, that doesn’t mean you’ll always be alone. There is someone out there who will love you and your baby, I’m convinced ofit.”

I gave her a small smile. “I wish I had yourconfidence.”

Our conversation was interrupted by the nurse calling me back. “Savannah Parker.” I took a deep breath and stood up. “Hi Savannah.” She smiled at me. “I’m Aubrey, and I’m the nurse assisting Dr. Johnson today. Come with me please.” She walked off down the hallway and Libby and I followed. She opened a door off to the left and motioned for us to enter. “Please change into the gown on the bed and Dr. Johnson will be inshortly.”

“Okay. Thank you,” I said as she closed the door. I went behind the curtain that was pulled around the bed and took my clothes off, slipping on the gown. I pulled it tight around my body so my ass wasn’t hanging out and drew the curtain back. Lib was perched on one of the chairs. As I sat on the bed, I glanced around the room. There was a large monitor on the wall directly opposite me, and next to the bed was what I guessed was an ultrasound machine. There were medical posters on the wall detailing the different stages of childbirth, and I swallowed nervously, not wanting to think too much about the baby having to comeout.

“You okay Sav? You’re a little pale,” Lib asked, concern lacing her voice. As I nodded, there was a knock on the door. A woman entered, followed by Aubrey, who gave me a reassuringsmile.

“Hello Savannah, I’m Dr. Johnson, and I believe you already met Aubrey.” I nodded as she put her hand out for me toshake.

“Hello Dr. Johnson,” I said as I shook her hand and looked over my shoulder. “This is my cousinLibby.”

“Hello Libby, very nice to meetyou.”

“You too Dr. Johnson,” Libbyreplied.

“So, Savannah, you’ve had a positive pregnancy test at home?” Dr. Johnson asked. I nodded. “And what was the date of your last period?” I told her what I thought was the date and she nodded, looking at her calendar. “That would put you at around eight weeks. Aubrey will take your blood pressure while I set up the ultrasound machine. You’re a little early for an abdominal ultrasound, so we’ll have to do an internal onetoday.”

“An internal one?” I gulped, my eyeswidening.

She smiled. “It’s not as bad as it sounds, and it doesn’t hurt. It may just be a little uncomfortable, but most women find it to be fine. When the fetus is this small, an internal ultrasound gives us better images.” I nodded as I felt Libby take my hand and squeeze it encouragingly. “Have you been suffering with any morningsickness?”

“Yes, but not just in the morning. It’s certain smells that set me off, and I have to run for the nearestbathroom.”

She nodded. “That’s perfectly normal, and it should ease up. If it does start to get any worse, let us know and we can give you something forit.”

After Aubrey took my blood pressure, I lay down and she positioned my legs into the stirrups at the end of the bed. As she draped a sheet over me I watched Dr. Johnson setting up the ultrasound machine. She put what looked like a large condom over a penis-shaped ultrasound probe, squeezing a blob of lubricant onto the end. I looked over at Libby with wide eyes and felt her squeeze my handagain.

“Okay Savannah, we’re ready to start.” I nodded and closed my eyes as she lifted the sheet up and I felt her insert the probe. “Just relax.” Taking a deep breath, I tried my best to relax. The doctor was right—it wasn’t painful, just a little uncomfortable. I felt her remove the probe after a minute or two and my eyes flewopen.

“Is everything okay?” I askedher.

“We just need to try an abdominal ultrasound instead. Savannah, I think you may be further along than we firstthought.”

“But I had a period,” I said,confused.

“Were you taking the contraceptive pill when you found out you were pregnant?” she asked as she fiddled with themachine.


“Well sometimes if the pregnancy isn’t planned and you continue to take the pill, you can still have a bleed. It’s not uncommon.” She removed my legs from the stirrups and covered my lower half with the sheet. Pulling up my gown, she exposed my stomach. “Let’s have a little look with this.” She squirted some gel on my tummy and moved the probe over my lower stomach. “If you look over on that screen you should be able to see your baby any minute…now.” She pressed a few buttons and suddenly a clear outline of a baby appeared. I gasped. “And there’s your baby. You’re definitely further along than eight weeks. I’ll just take somemeasurements.”

I barely heard what she was saying as I was transfixed by the image on the screen. I couldn’t stop staring at my baby. He or she was moving around all over the place. I quickly glanced at the probe on my stomach and then back up at the screen, not believing that what I was seeing was actually insideme.

“Savannah,” I heard Libby say, her voice choked with emotion. I looked over and she was smiling at me. “That’s your baby. It’sincredible.”

Suddenly the room filled with a fast whooshing sound and I turned my head to Dr. Johnson. “Is that the heartbeat?” I asked inamazement.

“It is. 158 beats per minute—very strong and healthy. Congratulations Savannah, everything looks great. You’re seventeen weeks and three days. Your due date is March7th.”