“You’ve moved on? Are you dating someone?” he asked, sounding surprised. “Brody never mentionedit.”

“Brody doesn’t know everything,” I replied. I felt bad that I was lying to him, but there was no way I was telling him the truth. I knew he’d find out sooner or later, but I didn’t want to be the one to tellhim.

“I’ve tried to talk to you so many times, but you’re always avoiding me. Are you up here because you didn’t want to see me?” he askedquietly.

“You think a lot of yourself, don’t you? I’m here because I have a headache. It’s been a long day.” I closed my eyes, sighing deeply. “It’s been a long few weeks,” Imumbled.

“Sorry, I justthought…”

“You thought I was sitting up here pining for you? Well I’m not—I’ve got bigger things to worry about.” I knew I was being a bitch, but I couldn’t helpmyself.

“What do you mean? What are you worrying about?” His voice was laced with concern. “You can talk tome.”

I pulled my hand from his. “Nothing Josh, and you’re the last person I can talk to. I think it’s best that youleave.”

I watched as his face fell and I felt awful, but I couldn’t be pulled back into whatever game he was playing. I couldn’t be that girl again, the one who was desperately waiting to be noticed. I had somebody else to think about now and I had to put the baby first. I subconsciously touched my hand to my stomach. Fortunately, Josh didn’t seem to notice as he stood up toleave.

“I’m sorry Sav,” he saidagain.

“Me too Josh.” A single tear slipped down my cheek and he dropped his eyes from mine, shaking his head as he saw it. I closed my eyes and when I opened them a few seconds later, he was gone. I lay down on my bed, curled up, andcried.

A few minutes later, there was a second knock on my door. I groaned, hoping it wasn’t Josh coming back. “Who is it?” I calledout.

“It’s Mom, can I comein?”

“Yes,” I replied, watching as the dooropened.

“Josh just left. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stop him from coming up here without making a scene. He looked upset when he came back down.” As she got closer to my bed, she frowned as she looked at me. “Have you been crying? Whathappened?”

I quickly filled her in on my conversation with Josh and she pulled me into a hug. “He sounds confusedhoney.”

“I don’t have time for confused. I have bigger things to focuson.”

“Yes, you do. Are you going to come down and talk to your dad?” she asked, giving me a smallsmile.

I took a deep breath. “Yeah, let’s get this overwith.”

I followed her downstairs and into the sitting room where Dad and Brody were discussing something they needed to fix the next day. Libby and Mason were cuddled up on the loveseat. “Hey Sav, are you feeling better?” Lib asked as she saw me walkin.

“Hi Lib, hi Mason. I’m feeling much better. Sorry I couldn’t makedinner.”

“Ryan, Brody, can you listen for a minute? Savannah needs to talk to us,” I heard my mom say from behind me. I looked over at Libby and she nodded, smilingencouragingly.

“What’s up sweetheart?” my dad asked, turning to face me. I sat down on the sofa next to him, my hands fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt.

“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it.” I closed my eyes, not wanting to see how disappointed my dad was going to be. “I’mpregnant.”

“You’re what!” he shouted, jumping up off the sofa. “Who’s the bastard I have to kill? Who’s the father Savannah?” I’d opened my eyes by then, but I wished I hadn’t. Looking up at my dad, I saw his face was like thunder, and what I had to tell him next was only going to make him evenangrier.

“I don’tknow.”

“You don’t know?! How can you not know?” he bellowed indisbelief.

“Ryan, calm down, please,” my mom begged, walking over to him and putting her hand on hisarm.

“Calm down? She’spregnantClaire! Pregnant, and she doesn’t know who the father is! Did you know aboutthis?”

“Yes, she told me earlier today. She wanted to tell us together, but she got upset and confided in me. I know it’s not ideal, but it’s happening and we need to face it as a family. She’s scared, Ryan, and she needs us,” my mom pleaded with him. Libby had left Mason’s side and was now sitting next to me on the sofa, holding me as I sobbed against hershoulder.