“I can find out the sex at the nextappointment.”

“Will you let me come withyou?”

I nodded, tears filling my eyes again. I didn’t know if it was all the hormones racing around my body or what, but I’d never cried as much as I had the past month. “Thank you,” I told her, grateful she was being so supportive. It wasn’t the reaction I had expected. “I thought you were going to hateme.”

“Savannah, I could never hate you—you’re my daughter. I won’t say I’m not a little disappointed. I would have liked to see you finish university and settle before you had a baby, but it’s happening and there isn’t much we can do to change that. Have you thought about what you’ll do aboutschool?”

I shook my head. “Not really. I can’t see how I can have a baby and continue with my degree, but maybe I can pick it back up in a few years. I’ll need to get a job though.” I desperately wanted to finish school and graduate, but it was an hour-long drive to Austin each day and I didn’t see how I could commute once the babycame.

“There will always be a job for you on the ranch Sav, you know that.” I gave her a small smile, overwhelmed by her support. “Right, let’s get dinner cooked. Your dad and brother will be homesoon.”

I watched as she busied herself in the kitchen. I offered to help but was told to stay put at the table and rest. My mind swirled with thoughts of how I was going to break the news to my dad and Brody. Glancing at the clock, I realized I wouldn’t have long to figure it out as they were due back any minute. I quickly gathered the sonogram pictures and slipped them into mypocket.

Ten minutes later, I heard the front door open. Nerves fluttered in my stomach and I tapped my fingers on the table. “Hey baby,” I heard my dad call out to my mom from the kitchen door. “Hey Sav.” I raised my hand in a wave, my back to thedoor.

“Hi honey. Jump in the shower, dinner won’t belong.”

“Will do, hope there’s enough for one more. Josh is tagging along, he’s just helping Brody put the last of the horses away.” I felt the color drain from my face. Thankfully, since my back was to my dad, he couldn’t see my reaction. My mom caught my eye and gave me a smallsmile.

“I always make more than I need, you know that,” she toldhim.

“Great, back in 10,” my dad called out as he headed upstairs toshower.

“Are you okay sweetheart?” she asked mequietly.

I shook my head. “I can’t tell Dad yet, not with Josh here. I’ll tell him later when he’sgone.”


I stood up. “I’m going to my room. I’ll have dinner up there—I can’t sit and make small talk with him, it’s toohard.”

“Oh Sav, don’t. You can’t avoid him forever—he’s Brody’s bestfriend.”

“I can’t face him, not today. I’msorry.”

She sighed. “Okay, I’ll bring you a plate up when it’s ready. I’ll tell everyone you aren’t feelingwell.”

“Thank you,” I said quietly as I left the kitchen, wanting to get upstairs before Brody and Josh came in from thestables.

I spent the evening in my room. Mom brought me up a plate of food, which I barely touched. I just didn’t have an appetite. Libby texted me after she arrived, realizing I wouldn’t be joining them. My mom had obviously taken her to the side and talked to her, telling her she knew about the baby. She’d understood why I wasn’t at dinner and said she would come up and see me before theyleft.

I’d been in my room about an hour when I heard a knock on my door. Thinking it was Libby, I called out, “Come in.” I was lying on my bed reading a book Libby had been gushing about and I looked up as my door opened, only to see Josh walk in. “Josh!” I exclaimed. “What are you doing here?” I quickly sat up, tugging my t-shirt down over my stomach. I was only wearing my pajama shorts and a top, and I felt self-conscious because they weren’t covering much. I watched as his eyes tracked over mybody.

“Ermm…” he mumbled as he shook his head. “Your mom said you weren’t feeling well, so I just came to see if you wereokay.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “You came to see if I was okay?” I asked indisbelief.

I heard him sigh. “Sav, I know things have been a bit weird between us since…” He trailedoff.

“Since I threw myself at you and you rejected me?” I filled in as I looked him in the eye. He held my gaze before turning to close the bedroom door. He crossed the room and sat down on the edge of mybed.

“Yes.” He paused. “Since then. I’m sorry if I hurt you Savannah. I never intended to.” He reached for my hand, holding it tightly inhis.

I looked down at our joined hands, goose bumps erupting up my arm from his touch. “I couldn’t figure you out Josh. One minute we’d be having a great time, dancing and flirting, then the next time we’d all go out, you’d flaunt some girl in my face. In the end, it was easier not to be aroundyou.”

“I’m sorry Sav. I’m anidiot.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “It doesn’t matter now. You’ve moved on, I’ve moved on…it’s just the way itis.”