I hugged her back, laughing. “Hey Sav. It’s so good to see you.” I told her, squeezing her tight. After our visit to the ranch when I was fifteen, Savannah and I had regularly chatted via text, and occasionally on the phone, so although we hadn’t seen each other in four years, we’d remained close. After the accident, I’d shut nearly everyone out of my life, but she had never given up on me, regularly sending me messages, even if I didn’t reply for weeks.

“Come on, I’ll show you your room, you’re just across the hall from me. I can’t wait to show you around, and for you to meet everyone. A lot has changed since the last time you were here.” She gushed, pulling me along with her.

“Wait!” I said laughing. “I need to help your Mum with my bags.” I turned around to make my way back to Aunt Claire, but she shook her head at me.

“Don’t worry Libby, I’m fine. You go on in with Savannah, she’s been dying for you to get here. I’ll bring your bags up.”

“Thank you.”

I followed Savannah as she went into the house. I’d forgotten just how gorgeous this house was. The front door opened onto a huge hall, the walls lined with family pictures of Brody and Savannah, pictures from when they were babies right up to their proms. There were pictures of my Dad’s parents and what I’m guessing were Uncle Ryan’s parents. I even spotted one of Jack and me from the last time we visited.

Savannah grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. The upstairs was just as stunning as the downstairs. There were five bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. I got a quick glimpse in each room as Savannah pulled me from one room to the next.

“This one is yours.” She told me, stopping in a room twice the size of my bedroom at home. “We went out and got you all new bedding when we knew you were coming.”

“It’s gorgeous,” I told her, looking around in awe. There was a king size bed against one wall, with a chest of drawers and a dressing table on the other wall. A door to the left led into a bathroom, and another door opened into a walk-in wardrobe. I walked over to the window and took in the view of the barn and stables, as well as what looked like hundreds of acres of land. “What a view! This room is amazing!”

“Here are your bags honey.” Aunt Claire said, coming into the room and dropping them on the bed. “Savannah why don’t you help Libby unpack, I’ll get dinner started. Dad and Brody will be back soon. I’m sure Libby will want an early night; it’s been a long day.” She smiled at me. “I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

Twenty minutes later and I was all unpacked. My clothes nowhere near filled the huge walk in wardrobe in my room. I think even if I’d brought all of my clothes from home it still wouldn’t be full. I dropped down on the bed. I was shattered. Aunt Claire was right, it had been a long day.

“Come on Libby, lets go downstairs before you fall asleep,” Savannah said, pulling me up by my hand. “Mom’s making your favourite.”

“My favourite?” I asked looking at her confused.

“Yep. Wait and see.” She replied cryptically.

As we made our way downstairs the most amazing smell reached my nose. My stomach rumbled in response. “Frito pie!” I screeched rushing into the kitchen. “You remembered,” I said in amazement.

Aunt Claire turned to me laughing. “Of course I remembered. How could I forget? You made me make this six times the last time you were here.”

Aunt Claire’s Frito pie was incredible. It was basically chili con carne, Fritos, which were corn chips, and cheese and she put salsa and sour cream on top. I loved it. My Mum had tried to make it at home, we’d even taken a load of Frito’s home with us, but it somehow was never the same. “Thank you for making my favourite meal,” I said walking over and kissing her on the cheek.

“No problem honey. I made sure I was stocked up on Fritos when I knew you were coming.” She laughed, winking at me. “It’s not quite ready yet, won’t be long. Are you all unpacked?”

“Yep. She’s all done.” Savannah answered for me. “I’ll take Libby and show her the new horses while we wait.”

“Okay, don’t be long; Dad and Brody will be back soon.”

As we made our way outside Uncle Ryan and Brody were heading up the path towards the house. “Hi, Uncle Ryan. Hi, Brody.” I said to them quietly. It had been a while since I’d spoken to my Uncle and cousin and I felt a bit shy. I needn’t have worried, though, Uncle Ryan scooped me up into a hug as soon as he saw me.

“Hey Lib. Great to see you.” He said swinging me round.

I laughed. “Great to see you too. Thanks for having me.”

“Our pleasure sweetheart.” He responded in his southern drawl.

“Hi, Libby. Long-time no see. How are you?” Brody asked.

I turned to look at Brody. He was even more well-built than the last time I’d seen him. I guess working on a ranch will do that to you. He was tall with dark hair and brown eyes. His white t-shirt was smeared with dirt, but you could clearly see his muscles through it. Even though he was my cousin, I could see that he was incredibly good looking. I’m sure he had all the girls falling over him. Mia would have been drooling if she’d been here. “It has been a while, hasn’t it? I’m okay thanks, looking forward to spending some time on the ranch. I love it here. Savannah is just taking me to the stables to see the horses.”

“Okay, well we’re heading in to shower, we’ll see you at dinner.” Uncle Ryan said, walking past us and pushing the front door open. Brody smiled and followed him.

I heard Aunt Claire shouting at them both to remember to take off their boots. I smiled at Savannah before she skipped through the garden and out towards the stables.

“We’ve got twenty horses now; the ranch is getting busier with guests, so we needed more horses.”

Savannah loved the horses. The last time I was here we rode nearly every day. She’d had her own horse that wasn’t used by the people holidaying here, but he stayed in the stables with all the working horses. “Do you still have Marley?” I asked her as she pulled open the stable door.