My parents had invited Mason to stay with us until we flew back to Texas, they were pretty old fashioned though and wouldn’t let him stay in my bedroom. They had said they couldn’t control what I did when I was away from home, but under their roof there were rules. Instead, he was sleeping in the spare room which was right next to mine. I snuck into him on the first night, but after a brief kiss and a cuddle, he made me go back to my room, saying that he liked my parents and wanted to respect their wishes while he was here. Part of me loved him for it, but it was a small part, the bigger part of me couldn’t wait to get my hands on him.

The day after Mason arrived I took him to Mia’s grave, I wanted him to meet her, and unfortunately, this would be as close as he got. We stopped at the florist in the village and bought a bouquet of flowers to take with us. Mason grasped my hand tightly as we walked in silence through the cemetery. Dropping my hand, he stood back a little as we came to Mia’s grave and I reached forward tracing my fingers over her name.

“Hey Mia, I’ve brought someone to meet you.” I turned around and reached my hand out for him to take. He stepped towards me. “Mia, this is Mason, the guy I told you about. Turns out he came after me.” I smiled up at him. “He’s a keeper, right?”

Smiling at me, he turned to Mia’s headstone. “Hi Mia, Libby’s told me a lot about you, all good I promise.” He said, winking at me.

Mason sat on the grass with his legs open, and I scooted between them, his chest to my back. “I’ve nabbed myself a cowboy, Mia,” I told her with a small smile. “You’d love him.” I felt Mason wrap his arms around me, squeezing me gently.

We sat for a while in silence, I was lost in thoughts of Mia, while Mason seemed happy to just hold me. After a while, I pulled myself out of his embrace and kneeled in front of Mia’s headstone. “I guess this is goodbye for a while,” I told her, my fingers picking at the grass to the side of me. “I’m going back to Texas with Mason; I’m going to finish my degree there. It’s so hard to be here without you Mia, I miss you so much. I’ll be back though, I promise.” I reached up one last time and brushed my fingers across her name before turning to Mason who pulled me into his chest, kissing me softly on the head.

“Ready sweetheart?” He asked me quietly.

I nodded, turning in his arms. “Bye Mia,” I whispered as we walked away, my eyes brimming with tears.

The next few days were nonstop, I gave Mason the grand tour of where I’d grown up, which didn’t take long. I showed him the park where Mia and I had spent so much time and the primary school where we’d met. I also took him to the bakery and introduced him to Sarah and Leo. I had been a little apprehensive telling Sarah that I wouldn’t be working for her again, I didn’t like to let her down. Sarah understood completely though, saying that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of a lifetime.

I’d submitted the online application forms for the University of Texas, and someone from the admissions office there had called to speak to me. They told me that it looked promising that I would be offered a place, and I would find out officially in a few weeks’ time.

I’d called Aunt Claire and told her of my plans to study at the University of Texas, she had been so excited and insisted that I stay with them. I was so grateful to them for taking me in. I had considered looking for accommodation on campus as I didn’t want to impose, but Aunt Claire wouldn’t hear of it, saying I belonged with them. I thanked her three or four times, telling her that I’d see her soon.

Before I knew it, it was time to say goodbye. Emotions were running high, and plenty of tears were shed. Saying goodbye to my parents for a holiday, like I had last time, felt completely different to saying goodbye and not knowing when I would see them again. They had said that they would try to visit in the summer, before I started university, but that still seemed a long time away.

Fifteen hours later we were back in Austin and waiting outside arrivals for Savannah, who had agreed to pick us up. I was exhausted, the flight back had been bumpy, to say the least, and I couldn’t relax enough to sleep. Savannah was late, and I was desperate to crawl into bed. “Where is she, Mason?” I moaned, sitting down heavily on my suitcase.

“Here she is grumpy.” Mason teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.

“Sorry, I’m late!” Savannah cried as she jumped out of the truck she’d borrowed to pick us up. She flung her arms around me. “I’m so glad you’ve sorted things out.” She said, squeezing me tightly.

Mason had loaded our luggage and jumped in the back while I was sitting up front with Savannah. “I hope you didn’t mind me giving Mason your parents email details?” She asked me, biting down on her lip. “It wasn’t like I had much choice.” She turned and glared at Mason. “Your boyfriend can be quite persuasive when he wants to be.”

I burst out laughing. “Told you she’d be pissed,” I said to Mason smugly.

“Hey.” He said, holding his hands up in defense. “I got my girl back, that’s all I care about. Sorry Sav, but I’d do it all over again if I had to.”

“Well after that little speech I guess I can forgive you. You brought her back, that’s the main thing.” She said smiling. “Let’s get you home, you look like shit.”

“Thanks a lot!” I told her, as she burst out laughing.

An hour later and I was in Mason’s bed, his arms wrapped around me. “God I’ve missed you, baby.” He whispered in my ear.

“I’ve missed you too. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

“I could never give up on you Libby. We’re meant to be together.” I turned my head, brushing my lips against his. He rolled me onto my back, his body pressing me down into the mattress. As he deepened the kiss, I moaned into his mouth and he ground his hips against me. After a few minutes, he pulled away, kissing me tenderly on the nose. “If I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to. As much as I’m desperate to make love to you sweetheart, you need to sleep.”

“Sleep’s overrated.” I told him, reaching up to pull his mouth back down to mine. I felt him smile against my lips as I kissed him.

“We’ve got forever to be together baby.” He told me quietly. “There’s no rush.” He rolled off me and pulled me into his body my broken arm resting across his chest.

“Tease,” I whispered, my eyes getting heavy. Feeling safe, I succumbed to sleep, wrapped up in him.

Mason woke me up the next morning with breakfast in bed. “You do realise that I’m going to expect this every time I stay over?” I teased, grabbing a piece of toast off the tray.

“That’s fine by me sweetheart.” He bent over me and kissed me gently. “I need to go and check on a few things around the ranch. I’m taking you out for lunch though, so I’ll be back later. Make yourself at home.” He winked at me over his shoulder as he made his way downstairs.

“Will do,” I called out. “Bye.”

“Bye baby.”