“Thanks. I appreciate it.” Jack said to Mason.

“No problem. Come on the truck’s outside.”

We all headed outside to the truck where Mason put Jack’s bags on the backseat and held the passenger door open for me while I climbed in. As he went around the front of the truck to get in the driver’s side, Jack quickly said to me.

“Are you okay in the car Libby? Does Mason know about your panic attacks?”

I nodded. “He does. First hand, unfortunately.” I quickly shook my head as Mason got in the car hopefully signalling to Jack that I didn’t want to talk about it.

“So, Mason, you work on the ranch? What do you do?” Jack asked. I turned and smiled at him grateful that he’d changed the subject.

“I organise and lead the trips for the guests staying at the ranch. They can choose from, hiking, horse riding, fly fishing, activities like that. It’s quiet at the moment, but it gets busier during the summer months.”

“I’m looking forward to getting back on the ranch, it’s been a while.”

I sensed Mason looking over at me, I’d been counting my breaths and wringing my hands in my lap while they were chatting. The last thing I wanted was another panic attack. I felt him take my hand and lace his fingers through mine his thumb stroking the back of my hand again. I smiled over at him, the small gesture of having him hold my hand really was calming me down.

“Is there something I should know Libby? Is something going on with you two?” Jack asked from the back seat.

I tried to pull my hand free from Mason’s, but he gripped it tight and shook his head at me. “Nothing’s going on Jack, me and your sister are just friends. Holding her hand just seems to keeps her calm in the truck.” Mason told him.

I looked back to Jack who was looking sceptically at me.

“Lib, is that right?” Jack asked me.

“Yes, Jack. You don’t have to go all big brother on me.” I sighed, knowing I had to tell him what had happened on the way here. “I had a panic attack on the way to the airport. Mason had to pull over and calm me down. Holding his hand is helping me.” I admitted. I heard Jack take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

“Thanks for looking out for her Mason.”

“Anytime.” Mason squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

Mason and Jack chatted on and off on the drive back. I was still anxious in the truck, so I didn’t say much, I was happy to listen to them talk. Mason was telling Jack about the plans for the rodeo tomorrow. We would be heading over to Burnet early afternoon, Mason had said that there were fairground rides, live music, and stalls selling everything from food to cowboy boots with the bull riding starting around 7.30 pm. I couldn’t wait.

As we arrived back at the ranch, I could see Savannah and Aunt Claire waiting on the porch swing for us. All three of us headed up to the house to meet them. Aunt Claire pulled Jack into a hug.

“It’s great to see you, Jack. God, you’ve grown since I last saw you.” She chuckled leaning back to look up at him. He must have stood a good foot taller than her.

“Great to see you, Aunt Claire, you too Savannah.” He smiled over at her. “Thanks for having me, and trouble over there.” He said motioning to me with his hand.

“Hey!” I protested.

“Behave Jack.” Aunt Claire said laughing. “Libby’s no trouble at all.” She smiled over at me. “Mason.” She turned to look at him. “Thanks for picking Jack up, that was a big help.”

“No problem Claire. Happy to help.” Mason told her.

“Hey, Mason why don’t you join us for dinner tonight as a thank you? That’s okay, right Mom?” Savannah asked.

Aunt Claire hesitated. “Erm, yeah sure. We’ll be eating about six.”

“Thanks, Claire, that would be great. I won’t turn down a home cooked meal. I’ll get back to work then. See you later everyone, nice to meet you, Jack.” He stuck his hand out, and Jack reached out to shake it.

“Nice to meet you too Mason,” Jack replied. “Thanks for all your help.” His eyes drifted to me, and I knew he was thanking him for helping me in the truck earlier. Fortunately, no one else seemed to pick up on what Jack was saying. Aunt Claire and Savannah were heading inside, and Jack followed with his bags. Mason walked over to me.

“Are you sure you okay, after earlier?” He asked, concern showing on his face.

“I’m fine Mason, as embarrassed as I am about you seeing me like that, I’m glad you were there. I’m not sure how I would have managed if you hadn’t calmed me down.”

“There is no need to be embarrassed sweetheart, you never have to feel like that with me. I’m just glad I could help you, although I hope I never have to see you like that again. You scared the hell out of me.” He wrapped his arms around me, and I rested my head on his chest. “I’m not too good at this friends only thing, am I?” He whispered, tucking a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. “I can’t seem to stay away.”