He cut me off. “Let’s eat before the food gets spoiled in the heat.”

He completely ignored what I’d said and began to empty out the picnic basket. Despite being annoyed with him for not listening to me I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw how much food he had brought, and he was still getting more out. There were pulled pork sandwiches, pieces of breaded chicken, two different sorts of coleslaw, potato salad, a pasta salad, crisps, fresh strawberries and a fresh fruit salad. “Are you expecting more people? We’re never going to be able to eat all this.” I told him giggling.

“Nope. Just us. I can pack away a fair amount. Being a ranch hand is hungry work.” He pulled up his t-shirt and patted his flat, toned stomach.

My eyes were immediately drawn to his tanned stomach, and I couldn’t seem to tear them away. It was an impressive sight. He easily had a six pack, and there was a trail of dark hair starting below his belly button and disappearing down into his jeans. He dropped his t-shirt and cleared his throat. My eyes snapped up to meet his, and he smiled. Heat once again flooded my face.

“I love seeing you blush. It makes you look even more beautiful than you normally do.” He said quietly, reaching up and brushing my cheek with the back of his hand.

My face tingled where he’d touched me, and my stomach fluttered with nervous excitement. Had Savannah been wrong about him when she’d said he was a player or was he playing me? I couldn’t decide. He seemed to have gone to a lot of trouble setting all this up when he didn’t even know if I’d go with him.

“So,” I began, eager to take the attention away from me. “Savannah tells me you’ve been at the ranch about three months, do you like it here?”

“I love it. Ryan and Claire gave me a chance when no one else would, and I owe them a lot for that.” He said mysteriously. “They are great people, but I don’t have to tell you that.”

“No, they’re the best.”

“Libby, I’m guessing Savannah’s told you that I’ve been in prison.” He looked up at me with a frown. “I understand if that’s the reason you’re being cautious with me.”

“It’s not.” And it really wasn’t. I admit I was a little taken aback when Savannah had first told me, but I figured if Uncle Ryan had given him a job and a place to live then he must trust him. “Savannah doesn’t know the reasons why and I’m not asking you to tell me,” I added quickly. I didn’t want him to feel he had to tell me. I had my own demons and would hate to feel forced to talk about them. For reasons, I couldn’t explain, as I hardly knew him, I was sure that I wasn’t in any danger of being physically hurt by him. I just wasn’t sure I could say the same for my heart.

“I will tell you what happened, just not today. What I will say is that you’re not in any danger with me. I would never hurt you, Libby.” His eyes shone with sincerity. “Come on let’s eat. I’ve got plans for you after lunch.”

My mouth dropped open, and my eyebrows shot up in surprise. I heard Mason laugh out loud.

“Not those sorts of plans! God, you’ve got a dirty mind. That’s twice you’ve jumped to that conclusion. I blame those dirty books of yours.” He shook his head still laughing.

“I… I…” I stammered not knowing what to say. “My books aren’t dirty, and I do not have a dirty mind. I just thought…”

“I know exactly what you thought. I’m a gentleman I’ll have you know.” He raised his eyebrows at me, and I laughed.

“That’s not what Savannah tells me.” I joked. I watched as the smile fell from his face.

“What has Savannah been telling you?” He asked me quietly.

“Just that you like the ladies,” I told him not meeting his eyes. I paused. “She told me that she’d seen some women leaving your place early in the morning.” I heard him sigh deeply.

“So, that’s the reason you’ve been wary of me.” He nodded his head as if it all made sense to him now.

“Mason…” I trailed off, not wanting to tell him about Mia but needing to tell him part of why I’d been pushing him away. “I was my best friend’s shoulder to cry on more times than I can count when boys hurt her, she always chose the cocky, self-assured guys who had an eye for anything female. I swore that I’d never let myself get hurt like that. I’m sorry.”

“You haven’t even given me a chance though Libby.” His eyes bore into mine. “Yes, I’ve been with a lot of women in the past few months, but I’m single. When I make someone mine, I’m committed to that person one hundred percent, and I would show that person every day how much I loved them. They would be the most important person in my life.”

The idea that I could be the most important person in Mason’s life caused my stomach to flutter with the familiar feeling of butterflies that seemed to be ever-present when I was around him. “You’re right, I haven’t given you a chance, and I’m sorry for judging you on what Savannah told me. That was wrong of me. Who you choose to date is none of my business, but as I said before I’m only here on holiday, and I know if I were to allow myself to fall for you I would fall hard Mason. I don’t think my heart could take that right now.” I gave him a small smile.

“Has someone hurt you, Libby?” He asked concern etched on his face.

“You could say that,” I told him dropping my eyes from his. “I can’t talk about it, I’m sorry. I can offer you friendship, though? I could certainly do with one more friend right now.” I asked him, wishing things could be different between us.

“Ahh, the friend zone.” He said with a small smile. “Of course, Lib, if that’s all your offering at the moment then I’ll take it. I hope we’ll be good enough friends soon for you to be able open up to me.” He paused. “Just so you know, though, I can’t promise that I won’t try and change your mind.” He winked at me lightening the mood, and I couldn’t help giving him a smile.

He passed me a sandwich, and I bit into it hungrily. “Mmmm Mason this is amazing; did you make it yourself?”

He looked at me sheepishly. “I wish I could tell you I did, but no, I’m no cook. I drove into Marble Falls first thing and bought everything.”

I looked at him, impressed with the efforts he’d gone too. “Well homemade or not it’s delicious.” We chatted comfortably while we ate, I asked questions about his job and what it entailed, and he asked me what England was like as he’d never been. We both avoided any personal questions, sensing that today wasn’t the time to be asking. After we’d finished eating, I flopped down on my back not able to move after all the wonderful food. “I’m stuffed,” I told him. “Everything was lovely. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome darlin’.” He lay down next to me, our shoulders touching. I turned my head towards him and saw that he was looking straight at me.