“Well, now I know where you’ll be, I might have to come and steal you away from your book.” He said it straight faced, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. I didn’t answer; I didn’t trust myself that I wouldn’t agree right now. I was sure that I wouldn’t need much forcing if he did turn up.

“We’ll see.” I heard him murmur. I looked at Savannah who was grinning from ear to ear while looking between us. I scowled at her when her eyes caught mine, and she laughed.

“Shall we head back Lib, maybe get some lunch?” She asked me.

“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry now you mention it.”

“Hey, before you go, are you planning on going to the county fair in Burnet on Saturday? There’s a rodeo that night. I think Brody and Josh are going.” Mason asked us.

I turned to Savannah. “A rodeo! Can we go?” I asked excitedly.

“Sure, why not. We can go with the boys but do our own thing when we get there.” She said obviously not wanting to be around Josh all night.

“Oh, that reminds me Sav,” I said, glancing at Mason who was smiling widely at me. “Jack’s flying in on Friday for a few days. I can’t wait to see him. Will you be able to pick him up from the airport with me? He gets in at lunchtime I think.” I looked back towards Mason and saw that the smile had slipped from his face.

“Oh Lib, I can’t I’m at university on Friday. I bet Mason could take you, though?” She looked over to Mason expectantly.

“Who's Jack?” He asked quietly, looking straight at me.

Savannah burst out laughing. “Don’t worry Romeo, he’s not competition. Jack is Libby’s older brother.”

I thought I saw him breathe out sharply as if relieved before the gorgeous smile that made my knees weak appeared on his face again. “In that case, I’d be happy to pick him up. You’re coming too, right?” He asked me.

“Erm…” I hesitated. “I can ask Aunt Claire. I’m sure you have stuff to do.” I said, not looking him in the eye. I couldn’t let him drive me, what if I had a panic attack in the car?

“Nope, no plans for Friday lunch time. We’ve got a riding tour that afternoon but Colt and Taylor, the other ranch hands, can manage without me. Friday is normally a busy day on the ranch for Claire. I better get back, looks like they’re finishing up with the fishing. See you soon ladies.” He said the cocky smirk returning.

I didn’t get a chance to tell him no before he jogged off to join the group. I couldn’t help my eyes drifting down to his incredible ass as I watched him leave.

“It’s a nice view from behind, isn’t it?” Savannah kicked her foot at me, water splattering my legs.

“Hey!” I kicked my foot back at her spraying her with water too. I stepped out of the water and made my way back to the grass flopping on the ground. Savannah followed me. “I can’t let Mason take me to the airport, what if I have a panic attack? He’ll think I’m crazy.” I closed my eyes, feeling the sun beating down on my face. When Savannah didn’t answer me, I opened my eyes, shading my face with my hand, to see her looking down at me.

“So what if you have a panic attack Lib, you’ve got to let someone in at some point. You’re not crazy, and there is no way Mason would think you are.”

“If I have a panic attack I’d have to tell him about Mia and what happened.”

“Would it be all that bad to tell him?”

“Then he’d know it was my fault she died,” I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks.

“Oh Lib, it isn’t your fault she died. I had no idea that’s how you felt. Her boyfriend was drunk; he should never have been driving. You are in no way responsible. You could have been killed as well.” She pulled me up by the hand and hugged me. I just nodded. I knew from my conversations with Jack that I couldn’t make her understand. “It might help you to talk about Mia. He might just surprise you Lib.”

I took a deep breath thinking about what Savannah had said. If I let Mason in, I risked my heart, and I didn’t think I was strong enough for it to be broken. “Well it looks like Mason is my only option, it’s not like I can pick Jack up myself. I’ll just have to hope I can stay calm.”

My thoughts were full of Mia as we headed back to the stables. Savannah must have known that I needed some time to think as we rode in silence until we reached the barn.

“Come on let’s eat!” She said. I smiled, her enthusiasm infectious. I didn’t want to be down and depressed. I was in the most amazing place; Jack was arriving in a few short days, and I was going to my first ever rodeo this weekend. I definitely had a lot to look forward to, and that was aside from the brown haired, green-eyed cowboy who took my breath away.