We got the horses ready and thankfully managed to avoid Mason. He must have been busy elsewhere on the ranch. We rode away from the stables and out towards the many acres that made up Wild Oak Ranch and Retreat. It was a beautiful day, and the ranch was more incredible than I remembered. Green fields as far as the eye could see.

It had been a while since I’d been on a horse, and I was a little nervous. I was riding one of the new horses named Cookie. She was a stunning chestnut colour and fairly new to the ranch. Savannah was just ahead of me on Marley. We took it steady to start with, riding past the log cabins and the smaller ranch house. Savannah pointed out the newer cabins, there were around twenty cabins now, and there were only ten or so the last time I was here. They had expanded the retreat quite a bit since taking over from Uncle Ryan’s Dad about two years ago. Once we’d got past the guest accommodations, I felt confident enough to follow Savannah in a trot. I decided not to mention Josh again unless Savannah did and we rode in a comfortable silence for about fifteen minutes until we reached the river.

There was a group of about eight people from the ranch fly fishing in the river. I saw Savannah wave to the guy overseeing the group, and he responded with a quick wave back.

“Jump down, we’ll stop here for a bit,” Savannah said winking at me.

“Why are you winking at me?” I asked her as I got off Cookie.

“No reason.” She laughed. “Come on let’s get our feet wet.”

I followed her down towards the water’s edge. There was a small section between rocks that were jutting out into the water where we could paddle. It was almost like a small pebble beach sloping off into the shallow water. I kicked my cowboy boots off, leaving them on the shiny stones and dipped my foot into the water. It was freezing, but I welcomed it after the hour long ride we’d just done. It was a baking hot day, and the cool water was refreshing. I looked over to the group who were fishing. There was a mixture of both men and women having a go, all of them wearing long waterproof trousers up to their waists with braces over their shoulders. Savannah came up beside me. “They must be so hot in those long trouser things,” I remarked.

Savannah laughed. “They’re called waders Lib.”

I screwed my nose up at her. “I’m not a big fishing fan, it’s never really appealed to me.” I actually couldn’t think of anything worse. Having to bait your hook with a maggot to then catch a slimy fish! Yuk! I looked back towards the small group. “They’ve got a lot of equipment, how have they got down here, it’s too far to walk?” I asked Savannah turning to look at her. She cocked her head to the right smirking at me and biting her lip. It was the opposite direction from where we had come, and I turned to look past her, that’s when I saw him. Mason. He looked incredible, leaning up against one of the two jeeps parked a little way up from the river. He flashed that trademark cocky smile and raised his hand in a wave. I whipped my head back around to face Savannah.

I glared at her. “Oh my god!! You knew he’d be here, didn’t you?” I whisper shouted. Not being able to resist looking at him again, I glanced back over. He was pushing himself off the jeep and walking towards us. “He’s coming over!! I’m going to kill you, Savannah.”

Savannah laughed. “No, you’re not.” She whispered. “Hi, Mason.” She chirped in a sugary sweet voice. “Nice to see you again.”

“Hi, Savannah.” He responded winking at her. He turned to look at me, dragging his eyes down past my chest to my bare legs. I squirmed, feeling my whole body erupt in goosebumps at his inspection of me. I watched his face as his eyes made their way back up to mine, his cocky grin in place as if he knew how my body was reacting to him. As our eyes met his cocky grin turned into a breath-taking smile reaching his eyes and making them sparkle. It was the first genuine smile I’d seen from him, and I found myself grinning back.

“Hey, Libby.” He whispered, leaning closer towards me, kissing me on the cheek.

“Hi, Mason.” I lifted my hand and touched my cheek where he’d kissed it. He watched my hand and smiled again at me.

“What brings you two down here?”

“Just showing Lib around. She’s keen to get in the water and have a go at fishing.” Savannah joked nudging me in the shoulder.

“I’m really not!” I laughed pushing Savannah back.

“Not a big lover of fishing then Libby?” Mason asked me chuckling. He had the best laugh, it sent a tremor through my body as I heard it.

“Well, I’ve never actually tried it…” I told him sheepishly. “But the thought of it puts me off. Slippery fish and maggots. Burgh!” I shuddered at the thought.

Mason let out another laugh. “Well, fish are definitely slippery darlin’, can’t really get away from that, but we don’t use maggots. I’ll take you while you’re here and show you. This your first time on a horse Libby?” Mason asked gesturing up to where the two horses were grazing and changing the subject before I could tell him no.

“Erm, no but it’s been a while,” I told him, thrown by his change of topic. “I haven’t ridden since the last time I was here, about four years ago, so I’m a bit rusty.”

“Well, it’s my day off on Thursday if you fancy practising your riding skills.” He said, raising his eyebrows, the double meaning not lost on me.

I narrowed my eyes at him and folded my arms across my chest.

“Whoa!” He put his hands up, took a step back and laughed. “I was offering to take one of the horses out with you. I can see where your mind went though and I’m totally up for that kind of riding too.” He winked at me, his cocky smile returning.

“I think I’ll pass thanks,” I told him scrunching up my nose.

“Actually, Lib it might be a good idea.” Savannah cut in.

I looked at her, stunned. How could she think it was a good idea!

“I’ve got classes all day on Thursday. You should take him up on his offer.” She glared at Mason. “And I’m talking about the offer of a horse ride Mason. Nothing else!”

“Of course,” Mason laughed.

“I’m fine, really. There’s a book I’m dying to read, and your parent's porch swing has my name on it.” I rushed out desperate not to be alone with him. As much as I told myself, and Savannah, that I wouldn’t let myself be attracted to him, it was a battle I was most definitely losing. I felt a connection between us and from the way Mason looked at me I think he felt it too. I just needed to stay away from him, and I’d be fine. I had a feeling though that staying away would be harder than I thought.