I sighed as I walked to the car. “Mitch, are you sure you’re okay to drive?”

My best friend’s boyfriend turned to me and scowled. “I’ve already said I’m fine to drive Libby, I’ve only had one drink, just get in!”

I fisted my hands at my sides before I opened the car door and slid into the back seat. Mitch and I had never seen eye to eye, he treated my best friend like shit, and for some reason, she put up with it. Mia was sitting in the front seat of Mitch’s car; she’d stormed out of the club we were in after catching Mitch flirting with some girl at the bar. I squeezed her shoulder as I scooted along the seat, sitting behind Mitch.

It was meant to have been a girl’s night out, we’d been having a great time dancing and enjoying ourselves until Mia had spotted Mitch at the bar with some girl draped all over him. He’d tried to say he was only talking to her while he waited for his drink, but we’d both seen what he was doing. Mia had walked out, and I had followed. Unfortunately, Mitch had also followed and convinced Mia to let him take us home. I would rather have caught a taxi, but it was 2am on a Sunday morning, and we all knew that getting a taxi at that time wouldn’t have been easy.

Mia and Mitch had always had a fiery relationship, and I was dreading being a witness to the argument that was brewing. I dropped my head back against the seat, closing my eyes as Mitch pulled out of the carpark.

I must have fallen asleep, waking up to Mia screaming and the car skidding down the road. I looked out of the passenger side window to see a set of headlights coming straight towards us. The impact threw me sideways into the car door, smashing my head against the window. Everything was happening in slow motion, and it seemed an eternity until the car stopped moving. I could feel something warm running down my face, but I couldn’t make my arms move to feel what it was. I tried to speak, but no sound came out, my whole body felt heavy, and I could feel myself losing consciousness. I struggled to stay awake, slowly moving my head to look into the front of the car, desperately searching for a glimpse of Mia. I saw her slouched forward in her seat before the blackness took me.