“You’ve got the most gorgeous eyes Lib; I could stare into them for hours.” Our hands were resting on the blanket between us, and I could feel his fingers brush mine.

I closed my eyes embarrassed by his compliment, my fingers tingling where he had touched. “Friends remember,” I whispered. God, I wanted him to kiss me. I was so confused by my feelings for him. I shook my head. “Maybe we should head back. I bet Aunt Claire is home by now.”

“Not yet Lib. I did say I couldn’t promise not to try and change your mind.” He winked again at me. “I haven’t shown you your other surprise yet. Wait here and I’ll get it.” He jumped up before I had a chance to respond. I had a feeling resisting Mason was going to be harder than I thought. We’d only agreed twenty minutes ago to be friends, and he was already pushing the boundaries. I was just worried that he wouldn’t have to push all that hard for me to fall.

He disappeared off to where he’d gotten the picnic basket from and came back with two fishing rods. “Oh, god Mason, we’re not fishing, are we?” I asked horrified.

He burst out laughing. “Well, you did say you’d never done it.”

“I also said I didn’t want to do it and couldn’t think of anything worse!”

“I promise you won’t have to touch any maggots or fish, I’ll do all the things you don’t like. Just give it a try okay?”

“Okay,” I told him reluctantly. He reached his hand out to me and pulled me up off the blanket. He kept my hand firmly entwined with his and led me the short distance down to the lake. “We’re not actually going into the lake, are we? In those wader things?” I asked him scrunching my nose up.

“We only use the waders for fly fishing, we’re just doing regular fishing. We don’t have to go into the lake, but it might be nice just to go in a few feet to keep us cool.”

It was a baking hot day again, and Mason was right it would be nice to cool off a bit by getting our feet wet. I pulled my hand free from his and reached down to pull off my cowboy boots. “Come on then let’s get this over with.” I took off, running ahead of him and straight into the lake. The water was freezing, and I squealed in shock. “Argh, it's freezing.” I hopped around trying to get used to the chilly water. Mason came and stood beside me chuckling.

“Having fun there Lib.” He asked me.

“Yeah, can’t you tell?” I rolled my eyes sarcastically at him. “Go on then show me how amazing fishing is.”

Mason stuck to his word, and I didn’t have to touch anything slimy or wriggling. I must admit every time I got a tug on my line I got a little bit excited to see what I’d caught. Mason found my excitement amusing after I’d protested so much about doing it. After about an hour we decided to head back. I didn’t want Aunt Claire to worry. “How will you get the fishing stuff back?” I asked him as we packed everything away.

“I’ll head back up later with the truck, the sunset from this spot is amazing. Maybe I can bring you back sometime to watch it?” He turned to look at me with a hopeful expression on his face. “As friends, obviously.” He added sheepishly.

“I’d like that,” I told him truthfully. “Thank you for today, I’ve had a really great time.”

“Me too Lib.”

We made our way back to the stables chatting occasionally. We had no idea how long we’d been out, neither of us had taken a watch, but I guessed that we’d been gone a few hours at least. Mason put the horses away, and I watched him, feeling apprehensive on how we’d say goodbye. Although Mason had agreed to be friends, I had a feeling he was going to keep pushing the boundaries of that friendship. “Thanks again for today,” I told him as he headed over to me, the horses safely back in their stalls.

“You’re welcome.” He bent down and kissed my cheek. “See you tomorrow sweetheart.”

We’d arranged on the ride back that we’d head to the airport around eleven to meet Jack off his flight. “See you tomorrow Mason.”

I made my way back to the house to find Savannah stood on the porch grinning at me.

“Had a good day?” She asked excitedly.

“The best,” I said grinning back at her. She clapped her hands in delight.

“Come on. I want to hear every detail.” She dragged me into the house and I followed her laughing.