“Brody, am I glad to see you,” Savannah said with a sigh of relief. “This jackass here had his hands all over Libby.” She flung her arms towards the mystery man who was now backing away with his arms up. He’d taken one look at the size of Brody and obviously decided he didn’t want to dance after all.

“She’s taken. I get it, man. I’m out of here.” He said turning quickly and disappearing into the crowd.

“You okay Lib?” Brody asked me moving closer.

“I’m fine, thanks, Brody, he just took me by surprise that’s all.”

“Let’s get a drink,” Brody said, grabbing my hand and leading me off the dance floor. I turned to check that Savannah was following and saw that she was looking straight past me towards the bar. I followed where she was looking and saw Josh leaning up against the bar waiting to be served.

I tugged on Brody’s hand, and he turned to look at me. “I’m just going to head to the loo with Savannah,” I told him. “We’ll meet you at the bar in a minute.” He nodded his head and walked into the crowd towards Josh.

“Looks like you need five minutes. Where are the toilets?” I asked Savannah who finally took her eyes of Josh and looked at me.

She took a deep breath, looking at me gratefully. “Thanks. They’re over there.” She gestured to the corner of the room.

We fought our way off the dance floor passing the bar as we made our way to the toilets. I looked over at Josh and saw that his eyes were fixed on Savannah. He wasn’t looking at her like he wasn’t interested. In fact, he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her. I smiled to myself as we entered the toilet.

“Urgh, I hate how good he looks in those jeans and boots,” Savannah said exasperatedly. “I’ll no doubt have to watch some girl hanging all over him later!”

“You’re looking pretty good yourself Savannah. Why don’t you show him what he’s missing?” I told her fluffing my hair in the mirror.

“What do you mean? He’s not missing anything Lib. He’s not interested remember.”

“I’m not so sure Sav,” I said cautiously. I didn’t want to get her hopes up if I was wrong. “Maybe if he sees you flirting with someone else, it might make him realise he is interested, and if not you might meet your Prince Charming instead,” I told her winking.

“Prince Charming Libby. Really? There is no such thing. I really doubt he’d care if I was flirting with someone else. He never has before.” She scoffed.

“You sound just like Mia,” I told her smiling. “Let’s go back out, more drinks and dancing is needed I think!”

She smiled and followed me out. As the bar came into sight, I saw that there was now someone else standing with Brody and Josh. He was tall, at least six foot two with dark brown hair. It was fairly messy but in a sexy way, and it was styled to look like he’d spent the day running his fingers through it. On his legs were dark denim jeans and he was wearing cowboy boots underneath them. His light blue t-shirt was stretched tight across his chest, his arms bulging out of the sleeves. I could make out the bottom of a tattoo that was just visible on his right arm. He was stunning. I stopped walking, and Savannah ploughed into the back of me.

“Lib, what’s wrong? Why did you stop?”

“Savannah, who is that with Brody and Josh,” I asked. I couldn’t seem to pull my eyes off him.

“That’s Mason, he works on the ranch. You know you’re staring don’t you Lib?” She said laughing.

“I’m not staring!” I exclaimed feeling my cheeks flush.

“Why are you blushing then.” She teased. “He’s been working at the ranch for about three months. No one really knows much about him other than he’s been in prison. My Dad knows what for but he won’t tell us, he says it's Mason’s business. I do know he’s older than Brody and Josh, though, twenty-six I think.” She paused. “He’s a bit of a player though Lib. He lives on the ranch, and I quite often see women leaving his place early in the morning….” She took a deep breath, looking over to Josh. “Let’s get this over with.”

I followed Savannah to the bar. Brody, Josh, and Mason were chatting and didn’t see us coming. Savannah tapped Brody on the shoulder, and he turned around, kissing her on the cheek.

“Hey, you’re back. What do you want to drink?” He asked looking between Savannah and me.

“Vodka and coke for me, please. Diet Coke Lib?” She asked me.

“Yes please,” I responded looking up to Brody. I looked across to Mason and saw that he was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

“And who do we have here, Savannah? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your friend before?” Mason spoke to Savannah but never took his eyes off me. As gorgeous as he was I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, but God was he gorgeous. Now I was up close I could see that he had the most amazing green eyes and just the right amount of stubble on his face.

“This is our cousin, Libby,” Savannah told him. “She’s staying with us on the ranch for a few weeks. Libby this is Mason.”

“Hi,” I said, holding out my hand for him to shake. He didn’t shake it, though. Instead, he pulled it to his mouth, his lips brushing my skin. “Hi, sweetheart.” He whispered. Goosebumps travelled up my arm, and I felt my face flush again. He must have noticed my reaction as I heard him chuckle. I quickly pulled my hand away and dropped my head.

Brody turned from the bar and handed me my drink. “Thanks,” I muttered feeling like an idiot.

“Hey! Don’t I get an introduction?” I heard a voice say.