Page 38 of Protected By Fire



After Lucas leaves for work, I throw on my sleep shorts and tank and head downstairs. I turn off all the lights and lock up. It’s only early, but I’m looking forward to lying in bed with a good book. I’m working tomorrow morning, so I don’t want a late night anyway, and I know I’ll end up falling asleep, book in hand. I’m only working at a coffee shop in Armstrong, but it’s always busy and I don’t want to show up tired. Roman’s settled in preschool, so I’ll have to be up extra early to drop him off before my shift.

I read for about an hour until my eyes begin to burn and I know I need to sleep. I place the book on my nightstand and climb out of bed before opening the window a little. It’s a warm night, and I welcome the small breeze that blows through. As I settle back into bed, I reach for my phone and send a message to Lucas. He might not reply if he’s on a call, but I want to say goodnight.

Me: Hi, hope your shift isn’t too busy. I’m off to bed. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Night. Mx

I stare at the screen, hoping for a reply. Despite being cautious about putting my heart on the line again, I can’t deny that I’m falling in love with Lucas. He’s made it almost impossible not to with how incredible he’s been. He’s the first person I think of when I wake, and the last before I fall asleep. It seems crazy how I’ve fallen so fast, but I’m powerless to stop it.

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I smile when I see a message from him.

Lucas: Hey, baby. It’s a quiet shift. Hope it stays that way. Night. Sleep tight. See you tomorrow. Lx

I smile, place my phone on the nightstand, and turn out the light. My eyes feel heavy and I close them, giving in to sleep.

A constant beeping pulls me from the depths of sleep, and I sit up, wondering what the hell the noise is. It takes a second for my sleep-filled brain to realize it’s the smoke alarms going off.

“Roman!” I cry as I scramble out of bed, only now noticing that a haze of smoke fills my room. I snatch up my phone and rush to my bedroom door, pulling on the handle. Fear envelops me when the door doesn’t open. I try again, pulling as hard as I can. It still doesn’t open, and I bang helplessly on the wood.

“Fucking open!” I shout, tears tracking down my face. “Roman! Can you hear me?” The smoke alarm is so loud I can’t hear anything other than that. “Roman!” I shout again.

“Mommy. Where are you?” he shouts and relief washes over me.

“Roman! My door is stuck. Go back into your bedroom, baby, and close the door. I’m calling 911.”

“Mommy, I’m scared.”

My heart breaks knowing I can’t get to him. “I’m scared too, baby.” I hear him coughing, and I’ve no idea how bad the smoke is in the hallway. “Roman. Go into your bedroom and close your door.”

“Okay, Mommy.” He’s crying, and I try again to open the door. When it won’t budge, I call 911 and bring the phone to my ear.

“911. What’s your emergency?” a voice asks.

“My house is on fire. Please hurry. I can’t get to my son.”

“What’s your address?”

“1022 Crab Apple Lane, Armstrong.”

“I’m dispatching fire trucks now. What’s your name?”


“I’m Elise. Are you inside the house, Melody?”

“I’m in my bedroom upstairs.” I begin to cough as the smoke in my room becomes thicker.

“Can you get to a window?”

“My bedroom door is stuck and I can’t get to my son,” I tell her, ignoring her question.

“How old is your son?”

“Four.” I break down and drop to my knees. “Please hurry. He’s going to be so scared.”

“The fire department is three minutes out. Where is your son?”