He rested his hand on the curve of her waist. Tempting and easy as it was to slip his dick into her pussy, he knew she needed him to listen. She took her hand and twirled her fingers with his. Why did it feel like she was about to ask him for something he wouldn’t like?

“Carver, I need…” She paused, as if considering her next words carefully.

“What is it, angel?”

“Time alone. Tomorrow, I’m going out.”

His automatic response was refusal. After tonight, he didn’t want her wandering around the city alone. Jake or one of his guys would tail her, but the thought of her exposed left him shaking with fury, all the muscles in his body tensing up. She turned in his arms and took his hands, kissing them.

“Don’t assume I’m leaving you, I just need time for myself.”

“Tonight, you could’ve died.” His voice came out harsher than he intended.

The old him, the monster that everyone thought he was, would’ve made sure she wouldn’t be able to leave the apartment. He’d chain her to the bedpost, to make sure no one harmed a single hair on her beautiful head. Being with her the past few days however, gave him new perspective. Restraining her would only make her resent him, and hate never led to anything good or pleasant.

Keeping her as his prisoner wasn’t his intention at all. How could he, when she held his heart captive? Slowly but surely, she was changing him, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

“I understand the danger—”

“No, you don’t,” he interrupted, gritting his teeth. “I’ll always have a target on my back.”

“I—this, it’s not just me and you. You’re the kingpin and I get that, but it’s still a lot to process. I don’t want to fight, Carver. Please, give me this.”

He buried his face into her hair, fighting the urge to deny her wish. Carver could easily do it, had all the resources and power at his disposal. If she ran, it wouldn’t take him long to track her down.

“This is hard,” he managed to grit out, gripping her shoulders. The way he held her, he might leave bruises in the morning, but she didn’t complain.

“Hey,” she began, taking his hand, spreading his fingers out and positioning it over her left breast. “This heart is yours. Trust me.”

He let out a harsh laugh. “Trust is a luxury in my world, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

“You would?”

“On one condition.”

She groaned, as if anticipating his next words. “Jake?”

He nodded. Carver didn’t add he’d post two, maybe three, other men in case Holcomb had other allies. Holcomb had never been much of a thinker, so he doubted it, but when it came to her, Carver wouldn’t take chances. Carver only hoped if she ever did come to a decision, it didn’t involve leaving him because he doubted he could ever set her free.