“Oh, right.” The day she counted their relationship from. The first night they’d slept together. She could count on one hand the number of times they had. Because it was New Year’s, and they’d only been together since Christmas.

“Can I come in?”


“To talk.”

Already the anger was fading out and the sadness filling back in. She sighed and leaned against the door jamb. “I need to protect myself, Dex. I don’t understand what you want, or how I should be around you, or basically anything at all about this. I feel like I’m bouncing off you over and over, and I’m getting kind of dented.”

He lowered his eyes and nodded. “You want me to go?”

“I want to understand you, and I want you to understand me, so you don’thaveto go.”

His eyes came back to hers. “That’s what I want, too. That’s why I want to talk.”

She didn’t answer, because she didn’t know the answer.

But then he said, “Please, Kelse,” and gave her the answer. She stepped back and opened the door.