There were also the crash pads upstairs, but no. Kelsey wouldn’t be up there. Not without him. And not with him, either. There was no amount of horny he could be that would make taking that wonderful girl up to one of those seedy rooms acceptable.

The throne room was the obvious place to look, so Dex put his phone away and headed to the back.

As soon as he took a few steps down the main hall, the sound of the party quieted—enough that as he passed the kitchen door, he heard Kelsey’s voice. Soft and low, and a little chuckle.

And then a masculine chuckle, equally low.

Dex stopped at the doorway and peered into the small kitchen. It was a mess, the counters stacked with food prep shit and the floor stacked with boxes of party supplies.

Kesley was in there. With Zach Jessup. Kelsey was dressed for a club party, wearing her adorably ridiculous and hot as hell leather pants, which were a color she called ‘mint ice cream,’ and a filmy top that showed most of her back. She dressed fairly conservatively, by biker standards, most of the time, but a bit wilder for a party. For Kelsey, of course, ‘wild’ meant pastel green leather pants and a flowing, flowery top that bared her shoulders and back. Probably what most of the sweetbutts would wear to church.

Not until this moment, despite the crush he’d nursed for a couple years, had he thought of her as putting anything on display when she dressed like this. But now she was his, and in this moment, she was standing at the far end of the counter, her hair pulled over one shoulder, and Zach was standing right behind her, massaging her bare shoulders, because that top did not cover nearly enough of her.

His woman. His. She was his.

There was a voice in his head telling him it was nothing, just two people, two good friends who’d grown up together, being friendly. It told him that his mind was especially dark right now, after that meeting, knowing the work he had before him, and he was probably seeing things in their worst light.

But that voice was weak and far away. A whole chorus of much louder, closer voices saw a man touching his woman’s bare skin, saw him brush her hair out of the way, his fingers skimming across the back of her neck, saw her lean into the touch, her eyes fluttering closed.

Kelsey washisnow, and though they hadn’t made any kind of announcement, people knew. Maverick’s initial reaction had been as good as an announcement.

Zach knew, and still he had his hands on Kelsey.

And Kelsey was fine with it. She smiled and moaned and said, “That feels so good.”

That soft sentence, sounding exactly as it did when she whispered it in his ear while he thrust into her, was like an incantation. Dex heard it and lost his mind.