I’m good. With Linc. We’re spending

the weekend in bed.

Sounds WAY more fun.

LOL. Sorry.

Mom would’ve kidnapped me, too,

if she could’ve got to me.

Checked in with all, tho. Everybody’s safe.

Excellent. No BFF date tomorrow, tho.

Yeah, guess not. Snowcheck?

Definitely. Have fun this weekend. xo


When Kelsey slipped her phone in her jeans pocket, Hannah just stood there, and it got weird quick, so Kelsey said, “What?”

Hannah darted a glance toward the dining room and the living room beyond. Then she looked over her shoulder at the closed basement door, and the entrance to the hallway. Checking for the ‘rents.

“Can I borrow your phone?”

Kelsey laughed. “You’re on restriction.”

Her face twisted with childish contempt, Hannah mimed Kelsey’s words back at her.

Kelsey rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s gonna win me over.”

“Please? They won’t bust your ass for it. They never bust your ass. I just need it for like two minutes.”

“They don’t bust my ass because I don’t do stuff to make them mad. Like give you my phone when you’re on restriction for sneaking out while you were grounded.”

“Fuck. Is the air thin up there on your high horse?”

“Ask Dunc to borrow his phone.” Duncan had no problem telling the ‘rents to shove it.

“He charges me ten bucks.”

That was hilarious—and smart. Kelsey and Duncan were both grown and too old for parental discipline. But not parental censure. If you’re going to risk a blowout with Dad, might as well make a profit.

“Well, then, I’ll let you borrow my phone for twenty bucks.”

Hannah kicked a cupboard. “GAH! Why are you such a fuckingbitchall the time?”

“Don’t call me that. I hate it. And you should, too.”

Kelsey rarely swore. It wasn’t a judgmental or prudish thing, she didn’t think. Aside from despising ‘bitch’ and all the other nasty words people used for women, she didn’t care if other people swore. She’d been raised by about the swearing-est people in the world, after all. Some of her uncles used ‘fuck’ like punctuation, and it didn’t bother her. It just … didn’t satisfy anything in her to swear.

“What? Bitch? Orfuckingbitch? Does it hurt your ears when I cuss? You should try it, Kelsey. Say it with me now: ffffuuuuuccccckkkkkiiiinnnnnggggg bbbbiiiittttcccchhhhh!”

“You’re so immature.”

She pushed past, going to wipe down the table, but Hannah followed her, yelling “BITCH FUCKING BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH FUCK”