“He looked so pissed,” Yvonne said beside her. “He can’t deal, Marcella. I told you he’s not enough of a grownup to let you have your work.”

“Don’t start, Von,” Marcella said and began working her own way to the door.

Eight’s friend Maverick stepped into her way. “This is your party. I’ll go for him if you want, so you can do your thing.”

She shook her head. “Eight’s my thing.”

He smiled and stepped out of her way.

She found him at the far end of the parking lot, toward the back, away from the tent and the overflow crowd. He sat on a stack of pallets, staring at the ground. His arms were crossed over his chest.

In her rush to follow, Marcella had neglected to consider that it was fucking January. She wore a stage outfit—leather pants and silky, sexy top—and she was freezing.

He wore only a button-up shirt and his kutte, and his head was shaved, but if he was cold, he didn’t show it.

“Eight?” she called as she got close enough not to have to yell.

He didn’t respond. She walked closer.

“Eight. Baby, you okay?”

His back swelled as he took a deep breath. “Just need a minute, Marce.”

Something told her that giving him a minute was the wrong thing to do. This was a man who’d lived his life alone, burying every disappointment, every pain, every trauma deep and pretending they didn’t matter.

She didn’t want to give him enough time to bury this and decide she didn’t matter.

So she climbed up onto the stacked pallets and sat at his side. “Talk to me, babe.”

Another sigh. “You don’t ever fucking do what you’re told, do you?”

“Nope. Get used to it.”

And yet another sigh. “That sucked, Marcella. I hate it.”

She knew he wasn’t talking about the quality of the video. “I know. I’m sorry.” Leaning against his arm, she said, “But it’s just acting. Dash and I don’t have that relationship in real life.”

“But you did.”

“No, I don’t think we ever did.”

He turned and frowned at her. She saw the disbelief and blossoming anger in his eyes.

“Yeah, we used to be together, but it didn’t work, Eight. That relationship we acted on screen, all that emotion—that was never me and Dash. I’ve only had that with one man.”

She waited for him to get it. It took him a while.

“Me?” he finally asked.

“You. You’re it. The one and only man I’ve ever loved.”

He almost smiled but couldn’t quite get there. “I don’t know what to do with this, how I feel. What I want to do is cave in his face. But that would probably ruin your party.”

“It would definitely ruin the party. Thank you for your restraint.”

“Yeah. But I still don’t know what to do with how I feel right now. It sucks. It’s bad enough watching you sing together. Now, I’ve got that shit in my head, too.”

She grabbed his arm, persuaded him to unclench, and tucked herself into his embrace. The warmth of his body eased the chill in hers, but he was still wound tight and stiff.