As quickly as I went in, I dragged Soleil and pushed her out ahead of me. Except right as I slipped through the opening, the boar caught my leg with its razor-,sharp tusks, and I fell to my knees. Thankfully, Voodoo and Angel dragged me out, and Blade slammed the gate and fastened the latch securely. Squirrel had already exited on his own.

Blood was gushing from my leg as Blade used one of his knives to slice open my jeans. Then he used the strips as a tourniquet.

“Motherfucker! These are my favorite ones!”

Blade shrugged without batting an eye.

Soleil crawled over to me with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Oh my God! Are you okay?” she cried. She touched my face with trembling hands.

“I’m fine. Are you?”

She nodded.

“What the fuck were you doing in there?” I ground out through gritted teeth as Blade tightened the band around my leg. I would heal just fine, but the blood loss would make me pass out if we didn’t get a handle on it.

“Buffy told me you wanted to show me the baby piglets. She apologized for being mistaken about me. She really seemed genuine. When we stepped into the pen, the pig was in the shelter, so I didn’t see it. She told me you were in there with the piglets and that it was fine to go in, so I did. You can guess the rest. Jesus, Sabre, I’ve never been so terrified.” She finished on a sob, and I pulled her into my side.

My nostrils flared as I made eye contact with Blade, then with the rest of my brothers. We shared a silent exchange.

“We need to find out where Buffy went. That can’t go unpunished,” Blade said as he wiped the blood from his hands on the excess denim. His mouth didn’t move, but I heard him loud and clear, as did my brothers. He made sure Soleil didn’t. She’d been through enough.

“Let’s get you back. You need to lie down and get some rest,” Voodoo instructed. I nodded.

Venom, Hawk, and Ghost were doing damage control with several of the employees that had watched in shock.

Soleil insisted on letting me use her as a crutch, but I actually rested most of my weight on Blade.

The trip back to the clubhouse took twice as long due to having to go slower as I gimped along.

They got me to my bed, and while they got me situated, the girls encouraged Soleil to take a hot shower to relax. The second the door was closed, I snapped, “Anyone find Buffy?”

“No sign of her,” Ghost regretfully informed me.

I fell back onto the pillow in frustration. “We need to summon that demon ASAP because I have a feeling that all of this has something to do with him. It may not have been her own doing. If he’s compelling people, we’re in deep shit.”

Venom, Angel, Chains, Voodoo, Ghost, and Blade all agreed.

“I hate to be the Devil’s advocate here, but there’s the possibility that he won’t be in a human form when we summon him. If that’s the case, we’re fucked. Remember, he can only be captured and killed in human form.” Ghost pressed his lips together as he glanced at each of us.


“Babe, I need you to stay with Soleil and keep her occupied,” Venom told his ol’ lady who was waiting for Soleil to get out of the shower. She nodded with worry in her gaze. “Squirrel and the prospects will stay with the women and children tomorrow.”

We had work to do because tomorrow was Friday—the day we hopefully ended this.