“We’ll need a scrying mirror,” Voodoo cautiously inserted, at which Hawk growled. It was quite comical to see a grown-ass man, who was probably one of the baddest badasses I’d ever met, be nervous. Then again, I couldn’t say who was scarier when they were pissed—Hawk or Venom. And not because they screamed and yelled and lost their shit. Nope. They were calm as fuck—eerily so.

“Does your grandmother know you did that?” Hawk interjected as if he was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he hadn’t heard anything else Voodoo said.

“Actually, yes. Afterward, we got scared—even though the daemon left without fuss or threat. She proceeded to chew my ass, then instructed me on the proper ritual to protect ourselves from backlash,” Voodoo said with a lift of his chin.

“Thank fuck!” Hawk breathed a sigh of relief.

“Can we stay on task?” Venom asked. “I can’t believe we’re even fucking with any of this kind of shit. Where can we get a scrying mirror?”

“I can make one,” Voodoo replied.

“Of course you can,” Hawk muttered.

“Get with Facet when we’re done here. Between the two of you, gather everything you need and have it in the slaughterhouse by 2200 Friday night. Is that doable?” Venom looked to Facet and Voodoo for confirmation.

“Should be,” Facet replied. “You?” He asked Voodoo, who nodded.

“Good, then that’s settled. Facet, I want you to ask that creeper group you were digging around in on your dark web BS if it will work the way Angel and Voodoo think it will. If you need to, contact Phoenix and have him talk to his ol’ lady. She probably knows a little about this shit too. Ghost, why don’t you reach out to Calix. Last time I talked to him, he was dealing with a demon issue himself. I guarantee he’ll help if we need him. Sabre, you do not leave this property until we get this straightened out. Everyone clear?” Venom snapped.

“Roger that” was muttered by several of the brothers. The others replied with a “Yes” or an affirmative nod.

“Good. Then we’re done here. Besides Angel, who’s riding to the hospital to escort the Trinidad family home?” He glanced around.

“Squirrel and I were going to go with him,” Blade piped up.

“Perfect. I know I don’t need to tell you what to do, but be careful and watchful.” Venom stood, pushing his chair back as he did. Everyone dispersed.

“We’ve got your back, bro. I have to say, though, I wish you’d told us about all of this earlier so we could’ve been prepared. Regardless, we have your back. No one fucks with a Bastard and gets away with it.” Ghost gripped my shoulder as he looked me in the eye.

Regret swam in my stomach, curdling its contents. I nodded. “Thanks, brother. It means a lot.”

“Now, you might want to go rescue your girl,” he offered with a smirk. I followed the direction of his gaze and saw Soleil sitting at the table in the kitchen with a plate of food in front of her that she’d barely touched. Sitting across from her with her tits resting on her crossed forearms was fucking Buffy.

It wouldn’t have been so bad except the expression on Soleil’s face told me she didn’t like whatever Buffy was talking about.

Motherfucker. Time to do damage control.