
“Ifeel like I’ve been hit by a truck.” I groaned when I tried to roll over. Realizing I was in Sabre’s bed and not mine, I snagged a pillow and breathed in his lingering scent.

“Probably because you were,” Kira replied with a wide blinking gaze. She’d been helping take care of me while I healed. I’d found myself dozing on and off a lot throughout the day after the accident.

“Are you sure I’m not stuck in a horror movie, or a bad dream?” I stretched to work out the stiffness.

“Definitely not, babe.” Korrie confirmed as she looked up from her phone.

“Your husband canhealpeople,” I whispered and swallowed hard. Korrie scooted forward in her chair to grab my hand.

“Yes, he can. And you understand how important it is that his abilities don’t get out, right?” Concern laced her words as she searched my gaze.

“Just because I’m stunned, doesn’t mean I would ever do anything to infringe on your privacy or your family’s safety,” I promised, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Relief lit her eyes. “Thank you.”

“You don’t remember anything from when that thing had you?” Kira asked as she stroked her big German shepherd’s head.

It was crazy that we were sitting there, discussing paranormal abilities and demons like it was the weather. All things that I would’ve never believed if I hadn’t seen it myself.

“Honestly, it was a bit of a blur. I only remember a man taking off my helmet because I thought he was EMS or something. Then he picked me up off the road and put me in his passenger seat. I was groggy because I whacked my head when I landed. When we stopped, he dragged me out of the truck and inside that garage. When I tried to fight him and run, he punched me in the face so hard, everything went black. I honestly expected my cheekbone to be broken when I came to.” Gingerly, I touched the cheek in question, but was surprised to find it didn’t hurt at all. My head was spinning with everything I had to process.

Korrie cleared her throat. “It was.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“On the topic of your injuries, I’m not trying to be awkward or disrespectful, but I wanted to ease your mind,” Korrie began. “Um. Angel said he didn’t detect any damage, um,down therewhen he healed you.”

“Down there? Jesus, Korrie, are we five?” Kira palmed her face.

“Well, I barely know her. I wasn’t gonna blurt out that her vagina wasn’t touched,” Korrie grumbled.

“You just did.” Loralei snickered.

“Ugh!” Korrie palmed her face and shook her head. “I can’t with you guys.”

“I’m sorry, we kind of suck,” Kira apologized with a wince.

“I know it probably seems weird, but I think being rescued from a human trafficking ring and having no memory has hardened my skin—a lot. I’ve learned how to be resilient and adaptable. I’m not saying I’m emotionless, but I’m stronger than I look.” I gave a half-hearted smile.

“One day we’ll all have to tell you our stories. We’re no strangers to traumatic experiences. That’s why I’m telling you, if you find yourself needing someone to talk to, we’re all here for you,” Loralei confessed. “Jasmine said she is too, but she’s a little busy popping out a baby right now.”

The corner of my mouth kicked up at the thought of another beautiful baby around the clubhouse. It also made me a little melancholy as I remembered what Sabre said about not being able to have children. I shook myself out of my musings.

“So, um, is Angel the only one who can do stuff like that?” The moment I asked it, Korrie, Kira, and Loralei all looked at each other, then me.

“That’s something you would need to talk to Sabre about,” Loralei replied with a serious stare. “But understand that there may be things that are club business, and he won’t be able to discuss it with you.”

“Speaking of… subject change.” Korrie waggled her brows. “What’s up with you two?”

My face heated and I couldn’t look her in the eye. “Honestly? I’m not sure.”

I told them the story that Sabre had told me, and by the end, their jaws were practically unhinged.

“Whoa. Wait, so you’re telling me you’re hiswife?” Loralei squeaked in surprise.

“Supposedly, but I doubt that would hold up in this time. I can see it now. ‘No, we can’t find our marriage license. Well, we probably don’t have one. Did they have those back in the 1300s? Would an angel need one? Just wondering.’ Oh yeah, I think that would go over well,” I reasoned with a chuckle.