Hawk motioned for me to disappear, so I did and made my way around the house to decide the best way in undetected. The walk-out under the guards was locked up tight as a drum. Curtains were pulled, making it impossible to see inside.

In the end, I walked up the stairs and right past the guards, then through the open glass doors behind them. Silent as a wraith, I went room by room. Periodically, I placed the cameras that Facet had handed me before we left. As loud as they were playing the music, I could’ve stomped through, but I wasn’t taking the chance. The main living area was pretty open, and all I saw were a few men I recognized as a Fortune 500 CEO, a senator from California, and a movie star, all snorting coke off the kitchen island.

Bypassing them, I moved down the hall. As cautiously as I could, I opened the doors a crack as I passed down the hall. One had a white ass in the air passed out with a woman who was sleeping too. Her hair and skin were dark and didn’t match the subject’s description. I hated that we didn’t have the manpower to just take out all the assholes involved in this cesspool. Sticking to the plan, I kept going. The quicker I found the woman we were looking for, the quicker we could get the rest of the women out of there.

Some of the things I saw in the other rooms made me anxious to get our girl and get out so we could make the call ASAP.

If I thought we could get away with it, I would’ve dragged the women out and had Phoenix burn the island into the ocean. There were too many people there though. We’d never pull it off. We were good, but we were severely outnumbered.

Careful of the stairs and possible creaking, I descended to the lower level. The first door I opened had two women sitting on a chaise lounge, bound and gagged, but made up like they were going out on the town. One saw the movement of the door and her eyes went wide, but when it didn’t go further, she appeared to relax slightly. The other looked vacant and didn’t move.

Stick to the plan. Stick to the plan.

The next door made my mouth fall open before I grinned evilly. The man making a woman dance for him who looked high as hell was none other than former senator Damon. The sick fuck was sitting on a couch stroking his dick as he petted another woman who was kneeling next to him—like she was a goddamn dog.

Motherfucker. We got you.

Though I wanted to put a bullet between his eyes, I had a job to do. He’d get his soon.

When I was about to call it a loss because I hadn’t come across the woman we were looking for, I noticed five small doors in the last empty room. They were the width of an average door, but each one was only about three feet tall with a peephole toward the top. There was a dark wood cabinet next to them, a four-poster bed, and dresser.What the fuck?

I tried the first door, prepared for anything. It was locked. Glancing through the peephole, all I saw was black. What the actual fuck could be behind the small doors that needed keys to get in but had peepholes?

Letting my rifle hang at my front from the sling, I pulled out the small lock pick set and worked the keyhole until I was able to get the lock to release.

When I cautiously opened the door a crack, movement made me close it again. I had no idea what the holy hell was in there. That was when I noticed there was two small switches at the top of each door.

Unsure of my next move, I glanced around. Time was ticking, but I didn’t hear anyone out in the hall yet. Taking a chance that whatever was in there couldn’t see me, I flipped the first switch as I looked through the peephole.

“No fucking way,” I whispered as I watched a naked woman scurry to the back of the tiny room, crouch in the corner, and stare in fear through tangled strands of hair at the door. She didn’t look like the subject, but it was hard to tell with her hair hanging in her face.

Unsure, I risked using my comm and tugged the sheet off the bed. “We have an issue.”

“What the fuck?” Hawk replied so softly, I almost didn’t hear him.

“No sign of the subject, yet, but I think there’s women in small cage-like rooms down here. She could be in one, and I can’t leave the rest in there.”

I thought I heard whispered curses. “We’re running out of time, and you know we have limited space and manpower. Just use your judgement unless you can get us in.”

There was a window, but I had no idea if it had alarms activated.


“Do what you have to do.”

Again, I cracked the door and whispered inside, “We’re here to help. Are you able to come out?”

“Who are you?” a heavily accented voice asked with a noticeable tremor to it.

“Friends. Come out slowly,” I told her. Fuck, I really didn’t want to hurt her, but if she screamed or tried to attack me or run, I was prepared. Deciding I better not make myself appear in front of her, I did it before I opened the door further.

She slowly crawled toward the door. I handed her the sheet as I fully opened the door, and her gaze darted around in confusion. The terror in her haunted eyes was unmistakable as she snatched the sheet.

“Do you know if there are other women in there?” I motioned to the other doors.

She nodded with a furrowed brow as she wrapped the sheet around herself.

“What’s your name?” I asked her as I prepared to pick the next lock.