“Fuck, you taste incredible,” I said before nipping the perfect, full globe of her ass. She gave a satisfied groan, and I smiled. Then I closed her legs, straddled her calves, and lined myself up.

“Hang on, because you’re in for the ride of your life, Laila,” I said as I plunged to the base into her dripping wet sheath. She squeezed her inner muscles so tight, it was like a fist gripping me, and I stuttered on my next stroke. “Goddamn.”

“Don’t stop. You promised the ride of my life,” she said between ragged breaths.

My reply was to withdraw, then thrust hard and deep. Lost in the perfection that was consuming me, I repeated the motion over and over. Sweat ran down my chest and back—it dripped in my eyes, and my hair stuck to my face.

Her skin was slick, and my grip slipped but recovered. With each snap of my hips, she pushed back into me, giving as good as she got. I watched as one hand released the covers, and she reached down to feel my shaft slamming into her core. I knew her fingers were strumming her clit, and it sent me over the edge.

The telltale tingle began that shot down my spine, and my fucking nuts pulled up tight as my cock swelled. A growl rumbled deep in my chest as my release drew closer. White explosions of light flashed on the edge of my vision.

“Fuck, yes!” I shouted when I closed my eyes and blew my load deep in her tight pussy. With each throb of my cock as my cum continued to fill her, her slick walls pulsed and fluttered around me.

I released her hips to smooth my hands down her back, admiring the inked surface. She looked nothing like I imagined Lila would’ve grown up to be, but maybe she was right—Lila was gone. Or maybe Lila’s death was a rebirth for Laila. Lila’s sweet soul was still in there, she had just been finding herself and unfurling her wings.

When I traced the valley of her spine, goose bumps broke out over her colorful skin, and she shivered. Entranced, I continued to glide over her body, appreciating the changes and the beautiful work of art that was my woman.

“I meant it when I said I love you,” I said.

She moved her head to look over her shoulder. As it always did, the incredible blue of her eyes took my breath away. “I never thought I’d see you again. I had no idea you’d left South Carolina, because I avoided looking you up. I was afraid to see how you’d moved on. I never stopped loving you,” she said as her unwavering gaze held mine.

“I also meant it when I said you were mine. I’m not letting you go.”

Something that looked suspiciously like regret flickered in her eyes. It told me that she still didn’t believe we’d find a way through this. Not wanting to dwell on the negative shit, I left her body but pulled her into my arms. Spooning her into my front, I swept her hair up out of my way and held her with my lips absently rubbing over her neck, her ear, and her jaw.

She twisted in my arms to face me. One soft hand cradled my cheek, her fingers stroking my short beard.

“Tell me about your tattoo,” she said with a serene smile that told me she was also stealing this time for us.

A sad laugh slipped from my throat before I could tamp it down. “I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.”

“When did you have it done?” she prodded.

Pressing my lips tight as I rolled them between my teeth, I gazed at the ceiling. “A guy started it when I was in prison. Then I had it finished after I got paroled.”

Gently, she nudged me to turn to my stomach. I complied and used my folded arms as a pillow. Her fingers trailed over the lines, and I knew what she was seeing. There was no color, because at that time in my life I felt as if all the color had been sucked from the world. She traced the reaper swinging his scythe in a wide sweep through the night sky. The stars plummeted as he ruthlessly cut them down. Below, on the ground, was an angel gathering them as they fell.

“It’s achingly beautiful.” I heard the unspoken “but” in her tone.

I waited to see if she’d finish her thought.

“I think you should add to it.”

Lifting my head, I looked at her with a confused half smile. “What should I add?”

“Someone putting the stars back in the sky,” she replied with the slightest lift of the corners of her mouth.

With a chuckle, I rolled to rest on one elbow. “Then I think we need to find a place for an addition to your ink as well.”

“Oh really,” she drew out. “And what do I need?”

“Something that says you’re mine.”

She laughed, and I grinned. “I’m not kidding.”

“You mean like one of thoseProperty oftype tattoos?” she asked with amused incredulity.

“Yeah. Something like that.”

“Hmm, we’ll see,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

I gave a playful growl and pounced on her. Her giggles rang out.

And it was the most beautiful sound I’d heard in years.