Her hands gripped my hips, and she pressed a kiss to the middle of my back. That gave me pause, as something didn’t feel right. The moment it hit me that the kiss hit higher than Laila’s small stature would allow, the shower curtain opened again, a gasp could be heard over the water, and I pushed my elbow back and spun.

“Laila!” I shouted as she turned tail and ran. I paused long enough to grab my towel and wrap it around my waist.

“I’ll deal with you later!” I snarled at Reya, who gave me a snarky smile.

Dripping water along my path, I rushed to Laila’s room and grabbed the knob, only to find it locked. With the side of my fist, I beat on the wood. “Laila! Open up!”

There was no response.

“Goddamn it, Laila! Open the fucking door!”

Brothers began to look out their doors and wander down the hall to see what the commotion was about. Nosy fuckers.

“Good look for you,” Phoenix said as he came down the hall, hair still damp from his shower. “What did you do to piss her off this quickly?”

Teeth grinding, I turned to meet the laughing gazes of my brothers. “If someone doesn’t get that bitch out of my room and out of this fucking clubhouse for good, I will, and no one will ever find the body.”

Their expressions sobered immediately. Venom pushed through the growing crowd. “What the fuck is going on? I could hear you down in my office,” he said with a frown.

“Phoenix, Blade, and I just finished the cleanup jobs, and I went to take a shower. Fucking Reya came in behind me, and I thought it was Laila. Then for some goddamn unlucky reason, Laila came walking into the bathroom and found us in the shower together before I could do anything,” I spat the explanation out with a glare.

Venom motioned to Phoenix. “Get her out of here.”

Phoenix nodded and went into my room, where yelling ensued.

“Get some goddamn clothes on, and give her time to calm down,” Venom said practically.

I stormed back to my room to find Phoenix standing there with his arms crossed while Reya took her time dressing.

“You are lucky I don’t wring your scrawny neck,” I said to her before grabbing clean clothes and slamming my bathroom door. Angrily, I dried off and dressed. By the time I finished, Phoenix and Reya had vacated my room.

Taking several deep breaths to calm myself down, I went back to Laila’s door. Fighting the urge to bang on the door again, I knocked lightly. “Laila, baby, open up. Please?”


Closing my eyes, I rested my head on the wood. “Laila, please,” I begged.

Shock hit me when the door suddenly opened, and I stumbled, nearly falling into the room.

“Laila, I swear it wasn’t what you think,” I began.

She snorted. “Why is it that every guy says that when they fuck up?”

“But I didn’t, I swear to you,” I promised.

She pursed her lips as she held the door so I couldn’t advance further in the room. The scent of her perfume or body spray hit me, and my fucking knees went weak. Finally, she stepped back and let me in.

“I believe you,” she said.

“You do?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes. Because I doubt you would’ve sent someone to tell me to join you in the shower if you were planning on messing with someone in there.” She crossed her arms.

I frowned. “Who told you to come to my shower?”

“That Willow girl. I’m a little surprised, because she seemed nice the day we cleaned up together. I guess it goes to prove you can’t trust people,” she huffed.

“Wait. You’re saying Willow told you to go to my room? Exactly what did she say?” I was ready to kick Willow’s ass to the curb too. I was pissed at Cookie for bringing her in.