
The soft, warm body curled into mine was a welcome feeling as I pressed my hard length into its softness. I yawned as sleep slowly released me.

“Mmm,” she moaned and pushed back into me.

A full tit filled my palm, and the feel of metal had my eyes popping open wide. The sight of hot pink and dark hair in front of me brought back the night before. Every single detail.

Afraid that she wouldn’t be as happy about what had happened in the light of day, I held my breath and tried not to move. If she lost her shit, I wanted a few more minutes of her in my arms. Yet, I prayed we were still on the same page.

“Don’t tease,” she murmured as she wiggled her ass against me, and I couldn’t hold in the groan it pulled from the depths of my goddamn soul.

With a stretch, she turned to her back, and I rolled my hips against her side as I buried my nose in her neck. Then I lifted my head to look in her sky-blue eyes.

“Fuck, you have no idea what a beautiful sight you are,” I whispered as my heart leaped and fluttered. Honestly, I wasn’t completely certain I wasn’t dreaming.

She lifted her hand to cradle my cheek. “Do you think we’re going to get past everything?”

“It’s cute that you think there’s an option where we don’t,” I said in a sleep-raspy voice. “Much as I’d like to fuck you good morning, I’m starving because someone wore my ass out last night. Get up and let’s get food.”

I rolled out of the bed and pulled on my jeans from the night before. A gasp made me turn. “What?”

She blinked once, then twice before she shook her head.

Shirt, socks, and boots, and I was ready. Meanwhile, she was shuffling around looking for her clothes.

“Where the hell did my bra go?” she muttered and crouched down to look under the bed. “It doesn’t just disappear,” she said in exasperation before she grabbed another one from her bag.

“You covering those is a crime,” I said, and she rolled her eyes.

As I opened the door and waited for her to slip on some slides, I glanced up and held in my laughter.

Her bra was hanging from the ceiling fan.

Thankfully, she didn’t notice, and we followed the smell of breakfast cooking. My stomach growled, and I picked up the pace as she giggled.

In no time, we were all sitting at the long table in the clubhouse kitchen eating breakfast the club girls made. I didn’t tell Laila before we left her room, because I wasn’t sure how she’d take that, but she seemed okay. Damn, it was strange to think of her as Laila instead of Lila.

Reya and Willow, one of the new girls Cookie had brought in, were cooking that morning. Reya may be a psycho bitch, but she could cook, and she was fun for a crazy fuck. At least she had been. I’d stayed away from her since she tried to tell me she was pregnant and it was mine. All of it turned out to be bullshit. I wanted her kicked out, but Blade had been fucking her by then and stood up for her.

“This is so damn good,” Phoenix said as he shoved an entire piece of bacon in his mouth. As he chewed, he reached over and stole one of mine. I tried to stab him with my fork, but I wasn’t fast enough. He chuckled with his mouth full.

“Jesus, grow up,” grumbled Raptor as he pointed his fork at Phoenix.

Squirrel, Facet, Blade, Sabre, and our newest prospect shuffled in and grabbed plates.

Reya came over with a plate and placed several slices of bacon on Phoenix’s plate, all while shoving her tits in his face. “Here you go, baby,” she crooned.

Laila made a gagging motion, and Reya shot her a glare. She opened her mouth to run it, and I narrowed my gaze at her. She caught on to my unspoken warning, thank fuck. Then she turned her nose up and sauntered away with an exaggerated shake of her ass.

“Who the hell wears booty shorts and heels to make breakfast?” Laila said with a curled lip. Willow had her back to us as she buttered toast, and her shoulders shook, telling me she’d heard. Unlike Reya, she was dressed in sleeping pants covered in ice-cream cones, a matching tank top, and her red hair messily piled high on her head.

The brothers were in various stages of sitting down at the table when they all paused and looked at Laila, then me. Squirrel had the idiocy to chuckle; the rest wisely kept their mouths shut. Reya made the rounds with the single guys too, but where Cookie wasn’t interested in getting tied down, Reya was itching for it.

Speaking of Cookie—of all the people who could’ve come to the table, she walked in dressed in a long satin nightgown covered in a diaphanous robe, complete with fine feathers. It was something straight out of a Marilyn Monroe movie, which was likely the look she was going for.

She met my gaze and gave me a mischievous smirk before dropping into Phoenix’s lap. “You didn’t wake me,” she said to Phoenix with a pout of her full lips while her gaze boldly held mine.

Laila stiffened next to me and set her fork down.