
As I stepped outside and ensured the door was closed, a dark shape caught my eye. I frowned as I looked across the street at the Challenger I’d seen parked there a few nights this past week. I’d never seen it before the first night, but it was always empty and not always in the same exact spot. So either I had a new neighbor, someone got a new car, or maybe someone had a new significant other. I memorized the license plate to look up when I got back to the house.

Being cautious of my surroundings had become second nature over the years. I tossed my purse in the passenger seat and climbed in, started my car, and drove to the tattoo studio in historic downtown Des Moines.

It didn’t appear anyone had followed me, so I breathed a sigh of relief. I wanted to laugh at my overactive imagination. The electronic doorbell went off when I went inside.

“Be with you in a minute!” a voice yelled out from the back.

“It’s just me!” I replied as I went around the wall to the small space they had set up for me. It was a temporary gig, so I wasn’t worried about having a big space. I unlocked the toolbox I used and pulled out what I needed for my appointment.

“You’re early,” the sexy voice said. I glanced up and smirked. Leo was hot as hell but very much in love with his wife.

“Yeah, I figured I better be here in case they showed up early.”

He gave me a chin lift. “I made coffee, and Devlin brought in some stupid-ass little Bundt cakes if you want one.”

“You got chocolate?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Devlin asked as he stepped up behind Leo, shoving a delectable-looking little cake in his mouth with a smile.

I snorted out a laugh. Leo left to return to his room.

“You got plans after we close?” Devlin asked as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips.

“No, why?”

“Thought you might like to stop off at Bruno’s afterward to have a drink.”

He’d been hinting at us getting together for months. Sure, I flirted, but I hadn’t planned to really pursue anything. Work hookups often got messy. Yet he was handsome, and I’d be a liar if I said I hadn’t considered sleeping with him. At least up until a few days ago.

Things had changed.

Lucian was here.

Ugh! It didn’t matter! Nothing could happen with Lucian regardless of my feelings. He couldn’t know I was here. Instead, I told myself I only wanted to find out if he was happy and then I’d probably pack my shit and leave again.

Except every time I thought that, it was as if someone had shot me all over again. It was crazy. Especially considering there wasn’t anything I could do about it. At least not until I figured out who was looking into me. I made a mental note to contact Ryan to see if there were any new developments regarding the access to my records.

“You know? Yeah. I think that’s just what I need.” One drink wouldn’t hurt. It also might get my mind off Lucian.

The bell chimed, and I glanced at the clock. “That’s probably for me,” I said as I brushed past him. The scent of his cologne was light but teased my senses. It was nothing like the intoxicating one that had poured off Lucian in the grocery store. That had been a blend of some woodsy cologne, oil, gas, and the faint scent of cigarette smoke. An odd combination, but one that had me wanting to press my nose to his neck and inhale deeply.

“Cool,” he said from behind me as I greeted my customer.

“Hey, Felicity. Are you ready for this?” I asked the young, nervous-looking woman.

She glanced at her boyfriend, then back at me.

“Sure,” she said with a shaky smile.

I motioned for them to follow me back.

“Sorry, it’s pretty small in here, but your boyfriend can sit in the chair there,” I said as I motioned to the seat positioned in the corner of my space.

“Hell, yeah,” he said as he settled into the chair.

I finished setting my supplies on the small stainless steel rolling table as I explained the process to her.