
With a groan, I rolled over in bed with my arm flinging to the other pillow as a pounding echoed in my head. My mouth tasted like something had shit in it. The room spun as I sat on the edge of the mattress. Incredibly, I was alone, and it caused me to frown.

Why the fuck was I alone? Oh, yeah, because I hadn’t been able to get Miss Pink Hair out of my head. Lila’s doppelgänger with the pink hair, tats, and piercings had filled my dreams. Drunken, X-rated dreams because I’d tried to drink enough to get her out of my head. Too bad it didn’t work.

There was a knock on my door that had me holding my head and wincing.

“Fucking hell,” I said as I stood and wobbled. The translucent figure sitting in my chair had its arms crossed. I flipped it off.

Then I shuffled to the door and opened it with a snarl. “Did you have to pound on the door so goddamn hard?”

Facet snickered. “I barely tapped on it. Put some pants on. That thing is staring at me,” he said as he motioned to my dick.

“Hmph!” I grunted as I flipped him off and turned to grab my jeans from the floor. Muttering the whole way, I shuffled to the bathroom, pissed, washed my hands, then pulled them on. I zipped them and rummaged around for some Tylenol.

After dry-swallowing a couple, I came back out to see Facet sprawling in my chair, tapping his fingers nervously on the arm. I smirked at Kip sitting on Facet’s knee, but in a flash, the figure was gone.

“What the fuck do you want?” I grabbed my phone to look at the time and groaned. “Jesus fuck, it’s six in the fucking morning. Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

Falling back on my bed, I pulled my pillow over my face. “Come back in four more hours.”

“Bro, I’ve waited as long as I could. Something weird happened last night.”

“If you got me out of bed at six in the morning to tell me you lost your virginity last night, I’m gonna choke you.”

“Ha. Ha,” he sneered.

Unable to hold it in, I muffled my laughter in my pillow. “Find a new porn site?” I mumbled.

“You’re a real dick, you know. Here I am trying to help you out, and you’re being an asshole. Maybe I’ll let this person find someone else to hack into your life.”

That got my attention. The pillow went by the wayside, and I lifted my head to look at him with one eye closed, trying to focus. “The fuck you say?”

“Nothing. You know, I just look up porn,” he airily announced as he stood. I threw the pillow at him, and it beaned him in the head.

“Fucker,” he muttered.


“I’ve been talking to this person for years.”

“What person? And this matters to me why? Move on to the part where someone wants to hack into my life.”

He sighed, fell back into the chair, and ran a hand through his dark hair, causing it to stand up. “I don’t think it’s malicious, because I’ve never gotten that vibe from them.”

“Okay? Tick-tock.” I tapped my wrist as if I had a watch on.

He glared at me. “I taught the person damn near everything they know about the shady side of the internet.”

“You mean the dark web?”

“Sort of. I don’t think they are that deep in the dark part of it. Just kind of in the shade.”

“If it’s stealth shit like you do, don’t candy coat it. It’s dark shit to those of us that don’t fuck with it.”

Unfazed, he shrugged. “Last night she asked me to look into you.”