I was afraid. The dude had a piece of PVC up his ass with a wire sticking out the bottom.

“Why do these pricks always have to have shit shoved up their asses?” I asked.

“They get what they give,” Voodoo said with a shrug. “Especially if it involves children.”

“Sick fucks,” I said as I grimaced. “Wait, what’s in his mouth?”

The guy’s mouth was duct taped, and his cheeks were puffed out. He looked a little green.

“You don’t wanna know,” Squirrel said with a sadistic smirk.

Phoenix scratched his head and gave me a side-eye.

“What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything to him,” he said.

“It was the other guy.” Voodoo motioned to the guy with the “fucking machine.”

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense,” I prompted.

“Do you see a dick on him?” Squirrel asked.

I blinked once. Then twice. Then once more for good measure.

“Oh holy Mary, mother of God,” I said as my face wrinkled in distaste. That explained the smell.

“Couldn’t have him bleeding out right away,” Phoenix said with a single shoulder shrug. “Blade asked me to cauterize, so I did.”

“There is something seriously wrong with you guys. I’ve seen some shit in my days, but damn. That’s just… I don’t even have words.” I shook my head in disbelief.

“It’s not any worse than things we’ve done in the past. And not much worse than what they did to innocent victims. Whatever gets answers, right?” Voodoo asked as he gave me a half smile.

I filled my cheeks with air, then blew it out. “I guess. But I’m glad Blade handles this part.”

There had been times over the years that I did things that could’ve gotten me thrown in prison for the rest of my fucking life. And though I got that they were the scum of the earth, I’d happily leave the actual torturing to Blade.

Blade looked up, took a bite of his sandwich, and winked at me. Then he stood up, paused the machine, and walked to the guy hanging from the meat hook.

“Remember what I told you was inside the pipe?” he asked the suspended man as he shoved the last of the sandwich in his mouth. The guy glared until he saw the sadistic grin that lit Blade’s face as he reached for the white piece of pipe.

The guy made muffled cries and shook his head.

“I know I’m gonna regret asking, but what’s in the pipe?” I quietly asked the boys.

“Barbwire,” Phoenix said with a horrified curl of his lip. My eyes widened, and I almost had to laugh at Blade’s creativity. He and Squirrel came up with the weirdest shit.

“Get any more answers?” Venom asked as he entered the room. “We don’t have a lot of time before their big boss wonders what’s taking them so long.”

“Maybe soon,” Voodoo murmured as he motioned over his shoulder to where Blade was working. Blade ripped the tape off the other guy, and a bloody, spongy blob of what I assumed was the other guy’s dick fell to the floor with a splat.

Venom’s brow rose, and he gave his head a quick shake. “I’ve seen and done a lot in my day that didn’t faze me, but Christ, I couldn’t do shit like that.”

“Same,” I agreed.

“Let me know if he gets anything useful. No matter what time it is. I’ll keep my phone close, but I’m heading home.”

The word “home” made me long for what many of my brothers were finding. For years, I’d happily resided in the clubhouse, but each time I had Laila in my arms, I yearned for more. A home with her… and a family.