
I’d changed a lot over the years. I’d been a fairly sweet person as a kid, but everything I’d been through had hardened me. That was probably why when I walked in and saw that snarky bitch in the shower with my man, I’d been torn in my response.

Laila—the me I was now—wanted to drag her out of the shower and beat the ever-loving dog snot out of her. Lila—the me that was buried deep inside—reacted with a heart-dropping pain and ran. It didn’t take me long to figure out that there was no way he’d asked me to join him knowing he’d be in there with someone else.

They had called Willow back to the clubhouse because she was gone when Ghost went looking for her. I was glad I was allowed to be there when she was confronted. The poor girl looked terrified, and I tried to be a reassuring presence.

“Tell us exactly what happened,” Venom said in a calm, fatherly tone.

Her nervous gaze darted around to each occupant of the room before settling on mine. “I’m so sorry.” Then she gave Venom her attention. “I didn’t think. I knew Ghost and Laila were together, so it didn’t seem out of the ordinary that he would want her to join him in the shower.” Her cheeks burned red.

“But we know he didn’t send you for Laila, so who did and what was said?” Venom continued.

“I was getting ready to leave for work, and Reya told me she needed to get supper started. She asked if I could relay the message on my way out. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I thought it was sweet. If I’d known, I never would’ve done it. Again, I’m so sorry,” she said with tears shimmering in her eyes.

“Okay, thank you, Willow,” Venom said.

“Can I go back to work?” she asked in a small voice as she twisted her purse handle.

“Yes, Facet will give you a ride back,” Venom said as he tapped his fingers in agitation on the table.

I didn’t think her face could get any redder, but hell if it didn’t. Her creamy complexion flamed as she nodded but dropped her gaze to the floor.

Facet stood, and she followed him out of the room.

“Where did Reya go?” Venom asked.

“I tossed her out the door,” Phoenix said unapologetically with a casual shrug. Voodoo and Angel snickered.

“You already know we never liked her,” Voodoo said, giving a head nod toward Angel.

“Good. No one lets her back in. She’s out, and I don’t wanna see her here again,” Venom said with a frown.

“I still don’t understand why she would do that. From what I’ve seen, Ghost never gave her reason to believe he wanted her, so what did she have to gain by hurting me?” I asked, truly confused by her hateful behavior. Hell, the woman didn’t know me.

Ghost snorted in disgust. “I can tell you why—to get even with me, that’s why. She tried to trap me once, and I not only denied her, I embarrassed her. Personally, I think she finally had something she thought she could fuck me over with.”

“How could she think she’d get away with that, though? Even if I had believed it and hated you, or left, did she think you would forgive her for that?” I was truly trying to figure out why someone could be so spiteful.

“Because she’s batshit crazy, that’s why. I doubt she had a concrete grasp on how it would play out in the long run. In her eyes, if she caused Ghost pain and sadness then she won. At least that’s what I think, for what it’s worth,” Voodoo said as he used a sharp-looking silver dagger to clean under his fingernails.

“What I want to know is, who the hell is gonna cook?” Blade grumbled.

“I can do it,” I offered.

“Hell, no,” Ghost snapped. Chains cast him a side-eye like he was waiting for me to kick his ass for being a bossy dick.

I was on the verge of telling him to kiss my ass when he added, “The club girls usually do that. I’m not having anyone thinking you’re a club girl. They haven’t been claimed by anyone.”

I mouthed an “oh.” Then I wanted to ask what I was to him exactly, but that could wait until we were alone.

“Actually, it’s not a problem. Grams has been on my ass to let her do the cooking, but there was no way I was having her in here with Reya. Not that she doesn’t have an idea of some of the things that happen here, but, Reya was a bitch, and I wasn’t going to put up with her talking shit to Grams.” Venom ran a hand down his face.

“Fucking women,” Phoenix said. “No offense,” he said to me, causing me to laugh.

“None taken,” I said with a suppressed grin because Reyahadbeen a bitch. “I just don’t understand why you all kept her around so long if she was that big of a troublemaker.”

Several of the guys looked uncomfortable, but none answered me. I could guess what that meant. When no one had anything else to add, Venom sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Fine. Now that that’s all settled, can I go home to my woman?” he asked with a cocked brow.