
Unrealistic fury burned in my veins when the asshole touched her as they went inside. I was right on her heels, but she had no idea. Just as she had no idea I’d been watching her from my car for the last week. One of the perks of being able to disappear, I supposed.

When she stood to leave and pressed a kiss to his cheek, I couldn’t stand it, and I swept her glass to the floor.

Devlin watched her drive off like a lovesick puppy, and I hated him a little as I wondered if he’d fucked her. It made me feel like an asshole, because he was a ladies’ man but a nice guy. Before Chains had come back from the army and started doing our ink, Devlin had actually done one of my pieces.

Not caring about him anymore, I walked down the street and slid behind the wheel of my car. Once I made it to her street, I parked again. Antsy, I tapped the wheel. As I did every night, I debated going up to her apartment and confronting her. A couple of times, I’d actually stood outside her door like a crazy stalker. My hand swiped roughly over my mouth as I fought her draw.

I had no idea how to feel. Because no matter how bad I wanted to see her again, I was afraid of scaring her away. My life had become that of a psycho stalker as I watched her from afar—torn between longing and rage.

My phone rang, and I glanced down to see it was Facet. “Yeah,” I abruptly answered.

“Where are you?” he demanded without his usual joking.

“Busy. What do you need?”

“This is bad. So fucking bad. I can’t believe I didn’t catch this sooner. If you still care about her, you need to pick up Laila. Like, now.”

“Why?” I asked, but I was already getting out of my car and crossing the road to the record shop. The back door leading upstairs was insanely easy to pick.

“She’s the breach in the Khatri accounts. Turns out, we weren’t the only ones they hired—the other people are some really sick fucks. I tried to send her a message but she’s off-line. Thing is, they found her, so unless you want her to end up dead for real this time, you better move quick.”

“Shit!” I said as I took the stairs two at a time, praying with each step. The gig was up, and I had to hope she’d go with me without a fight.

“I don’t know how much time you have,” he said as I heard him clicking away at his keys.

When I stopped outside the door I’d already stared at several times like a lunatic, I raised my hand. “I’ll call you back,” I softly said as I ended the call and shoved it in my pocket.

Angry, I cursed when she immediately opened the door. It was a sloppy move, and she was lucky it was me.

“Did you need the creamer too?” she asked with a smile that fell when she realized I wasn’t who she was expecting. Immediately, she tried to slam the door, but my hand shot out to stop her and I pushed my way in.

She backed away, holding her arms out as if that could fend me off. My eyes swept the tiny but immaculate apartment.

“Going somewhere?” I asked with a cocked brow when I saw her packed suitcase and backpack.

“What are you doing here? How did you get in?” she asked, acting like she had no idea who I really was. “I’ll call the cops,” she added, holding up her phone and pointing a shaking finger at the screen. Too bad she was a shitty actress.

“You actually made my job easier,” I said as I grabbed her backpack and slung it over my shoulder. “Jesus, what the hell do you have in here?” I muttered as I hooked it over both shoulders. The plain black pack was heavy as fuck. Then I picked up the suitcase.

“What are you doing?” she demanded in a panic as she rushed to take the bags. My hands gripped them tighter, and I had to fight the noticeable jolt I experienced when her hand touched mine.

“Let’s go,” I ground out as I wrapped my free hand around her arm.

“Stop!” she whisper yelled as her wild eyes darted toward the door across the hall. “I can’t go with you!”

“Lila, the Khatri’s found out you got into their accounts. Now, you have two fucking seconds to get your ass in gear, or I’m tossing you over my shoulder and carrying you.”

Her jaw dropped in shock, but I wasn’t waiting for her to process. I crouched to toss her over my shoulder like I promised.

“What? No!” She swatted at me.

“Then let’s go. Unless you want me to leave you to whoever it is that found you,” I said through gritted teeth.

That got her attention in a hurry. Her face may have blanched, but she hurried to shut the door and damn near ran down the stairs ahead of me.

“Wait!” I snapped before she burst out the door at the base of the stairs. Panic vibrated off her in waves as wide eyes stared up at me.