Her eyes grew comically wide, then hurt filled them and made me feel like a real ass. “Decker, you saved my life at least three times. I’d never betray you.”

“Babe, I’m sorry. There’s no Bruno, but seriously, I need your word.” I snickered, and she swatted me.

“I promise. On our baby’s soul, I’d never intentionally betray you. And I’d do my best to never unintentionally betray you either,” she added as an afterthought.

“You know how Snow has his motorcycle club? Well, I’m part of one too.”

“Okay. You’re in a motorcycle gang?”

“Club, babe. It’s a club, not a gang.”

She gave me a calculating once-over. “Mm-kay?”

I sighed, praying I was doing the right thing. “Some of us in my club have certain, uh, abilities.”

“Go on,” she encouraged, still disbelieving.

“You need to know, because there’s a good chance my abilities may get passed on to junior there.” I motioned to her abdomen where said junior was incubating.

“Soshemight be able to heal herself?” she asked incredulously. My head reared back in surprise at her question.

“You know it’s a girl already?”

“Well, no, not exactly, but I wanted it to be,” she replied with a shrug. Her dark-fringed lashes fluttered as she dropped her gaze.

“Well, I’ll be happy with boy or girl as long as it’s healthy—and I mean that. But no, my ability isn’t to heal myself. That’s someone else’s ability, to heal me, I mean.”

“Angel!” she excitedly exclaimed. “That’s why he was insisting on looking at your wound and why you said it could wait until we were here!”

She seemed so pleased with her deductions that I couldn’t help but chuckle. Most people might be freaked out that a human had the ability to heal, but she was excited. She also didn’t immediately jump to what he could do for her or someone she knew.

“Yeah, but you cannot breathe a word of this to anyone. It could put people’s lives in danger.” I grew serious.

“I understand,” she said softy as her palm cradled my cheek. “So what’s your ability, if it’s not healing?”

“Well, I can manipulate people’s emotions,” I hesitantly told her. I saw when the possible scenarios registered with her.

“So you made me care about you? You made me have… feelings for you?” Again, hurt and disbelief colored her eyes.

“No,” I firmly responded. “For some odd reason, I can’t manipulate you.”

Waiting for her to think about everything, I watched her incredibly expressive face. For a moment I worried that I’d fucked up with what I’d revealed. Then she ran her tongue along her bottom lip and pulled it between her teeth.

When she released it, I was focused on her glistening bottom lip so I missed what she said. Refocusing, I looked her in the eye. “I’m sorry, I drifted off. What was that?”

“So does that mean we’re like soul mates or something?” she repeated with a crease between her brows. “I read something like that in a book once.”

“I’m not sure, but I don’t really care. I want you and our baby in my life.”

Her next words blew me away.