My behavior continued to be highly irrational. I was the level-headed leader of the most powerful 1% club around. Though I was fair, I was decisive and ruthless when need be. I was not one to get tied up over a chick damn near half my age. Yet, everything about this situation was making me act like a dick. I knew it, but I couldn’t help it—I was tired, had a long drive ahead of me, and no time for dramatics.

“Fine. You know what? I’m out,” I muttered and walked out of the bathroom and toward the front door.

I didn’t need this shit in my life.

“What?” I heard her say in an astonished tone from the bedroom. At the sound of her following me, I shook my head and held up a hand to stop her.

“We agreed on one fucking night. This is exactly why I don’t need a woman. You’re all the same. Drama and trouble,” I growled under my breath as I grabbed the doorknob to leave.

“Well, like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”

“Like hell,” I said as I opened the door and the snow blew in around me. “I’ll ask Snow to send over one of the boys to stay with you.”

She sucked the wind from my sails with her next words.

“I’m pregnant.”