All the ways she affected me like no other woman had before.

“It’s too soon, isn’t it?” she whispered, her expression crestfallen.

“Babe,” I began before I hooked the back of her neck and pulled her close to me. Lips brushing, the corner of mine quirked. “No. It’s not. And as soon as you pop this kid out, you’re getting my brand, but I’m not doing it while you’re knocked up.”

“Um, okay,” she seemed hesitant, and I realized she didn’t understand the significance of wearing my brand.

“Come ’ere,” I growled and lifted her to straddle my hips. She happily complied and wrapped her arms around my neck, one hand playing with my hair.

She was quiet, waiting to see if I’d say more.

I licked my lower lip and tugged on my piercings with my teeth. “You wearing my brand says that you’re mine. No one fucks with what’s mine. And I don’t put my brand on someone randomly.No one has ever worn my brand. There are certain feelings that go along with that. I’m not great with words, and for that I apologize. You won’t often get wine and roses with me, babe. I’ve never been known as a romantic because I never thought I’d have the chance at a real relationship. So bear with me when I suck at this shit.”

She snickered softly.

“You getting inked with my brand means I love the fuck out of you. That you’ll be my one and only until I take my last breath. Any other questions?”

“Yeah,” she whispered. “Can we have Christmas morning sex,thengo to sleep?”

“Now you’re speaking my language,” I growled as I flipped her over and gave her the Christmas wish she asked for.

Merry fucking Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

No. Wait.

A very Venom Christmas to all, and to all a good bite.

I cracked myself up.