“Not while you’re carrying my kid, you don’t,” I replied without hesitation. She blinked owlishly at that, then swallowed dramatically. “It’s not safe here right now,” I said in a softer tone.

Gently, I brushed her hair back and cupped her cheek. “Come on, babe. Get dressed. I need to go see what kind of shape my truck is in, and I need to call home to update them on what’s going on.”

Reluctantly, she climbed off me, and I hissed through clenched teeth at the loss of her warmth. She looked down at the mess she left behind on me and wrinkled her nose. “Sorry,” she whispered. “Let me grab my towel. It’s down there somewhere.”

She pointed to the floor, then scrambled down to look. Triumphantly, she popped up with it in her hand and she proceeded to clean me off, paying extra attention to my cock. “I think it’s clean,” I rasped out.

She froze for a moment. Then she frantically whispered, “We didn’t use a condom.”

“So?” I raised a brow. “It’s not like you can get any more pregnant than you already are.”

“No shit,” she deadpanned. “I was more referring to where you might have stuck that thing since the last time.”

“My dick?” I questioned with disbelief. When she nodded, I huffed out a laugh. “I promise you, my dick hasn’t been anywhere but my hand since the last time I fucked you.”

“What? You can’t be serious!”

I shrugged, then winced at the pain it caused. “Fucking hell, that hurt,” I grumbled. Another reason I needed to get home. I needed Angel and his gift to sort this shit out.

When I struggled to sit, she grabbed my good hand and helped me. I spun to the side of the bed at the same time. My legs straddled hers, and I pulled her forward.

She was so short that her nipples were damn near at eye level. A lecherous smirk curled my lips, causing her to giggle, then step back. “Come on, I’ll help you get dressed,” she said as she grabbed my jeans. When she lifted them, my phone fell out, and she picked it up.

“You have a bunch of missed calls,” she said, handing me my phone, then crouched to assist me with my jeans. Raptor had been blowing up my phone, which told me Snow had reached out to him.


When I returned Raptor’s call, it didn’t ring more than once before he was barking into the phone.

“What the goddamn fuck is going on?”