
When I’d awoken in the Demented Sons’ infirmary, I’d been disoriented. Apollo, their newly patched member who had been a corpsman, was sitting there reading a book.

“Who the fuck reads actual paper books nowadays?” I croaked. His gaze darted up to me, and he set the book aside as he came to check on me.

The mischief on his face as he unhooked the IV had me glowering. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. Prez and I were wondering if you’d wake up fighting mad or whining. Guess we were both wrong, but I’d say I’m closer cuz you seem a little grouchy,” he said with a chuckle.

I grunted in response.

“How are you feeling?” he asked me.

“Like I got fucking shot,” I drily muttered as I gave him an unblinking stare. He laughed, and then got busy doing shit like checking my pulse, my blood pressure, and my temperature as he asked me random questions.

“This thing sucks,” I grumbled as I repositioned on the gurney. “And I feel like I’m in a cage,” I said as I motioned to the raised side rails.

“So sorry the accommodations suck,” he replied with a sardonic chuckle.

“You’re a real dick, you know?” I winced as he checked my dressings. His blue eyes met mine, and he gave me a half smile.

“Yeah, you said that a few times, along with a bunch more colorful phrases when I dug the bullet out of your shoulder. You were lucky that dickwad was so far away when he fired, or the damage could’ve been a lot worse.” He pulled off the gloves he was wearing and tossed them in the trash.

“Can I go sleep in the room I was staying in? I won’t get any rest here,” I said, knowing I was being a whiny bitch but unable to help it. What I really wanted to do was go find Loralei, but I was fucking tired.

“I don’t see why not, but let me help you get there,” he insisted.

“You’re making me feel like a pussy. Hey. The girl I was with… is she okay?” The last I’d seen, Soap was hauling her toward the clubhouse, but I had no idea what went down after I got shot.

“Yeah, she’s good. She was with Tash, then she came in here to check on your ass. Wanted to sleep in here with you. I’d say you have a fan,” he teased, and I frowned to prevent myself from grinning like an idiot.

“Hmph,” I grunted as he dropped the one rail and helped me sit up. I got momentarily lightheaded, but it went away quickly. Surprisingly, other than a dull throb, the wounds weren’t too bad.

When I didn’t think and tried to grab the side of the bed with my bad arm, I winced.

“Easy. That arm is gonna be tender, and no lifting or sudden movements unless you want to tear my stitches and bleed all over the place.” He let me use his shoulder to stand, made sure I was going to be steady, then helped me shuffle down the hall.

When we reached the room I’d stayed in the night before, he opened the door and paused. “Shit, I didn’t know Prez put her in here,” he mumbled quietly.

My head craned around the doorjamb to see long dark hair splayed across the pillow and thick feathered lashes resting above her bruised cheek. Despite everything, she was still beautiful, and I fought the stirring in my jeans and the jump of my heart.

“It’s okay,” I whispered as I brushed past him. “Thanks,” I said, effectively dismissing him with my tone.

“No problem. I’m three doors down that way if you need me.” He pointed to the opposite side of the hall from Snow’s room.

“Thanks again,” I said. He nodded and walked off. Slowly, I entered the room, closed the door, and moved to the bed. I dropped my jeans with a loud thump. I winced at the noise and watched her with bated breath to see if she stirred.

When she didn’t, I carefully climbed in behind her and cautiously rested my injured arm over her body. It didn’t seem to hurt too bad, so I snuggled closer to her warmth, only then realizing she was naked.

I groaned at the delicious temptation as I settled my cock against her ass. Despite my raging hard-on, I quickly fell asleep. The night’s events had finally caught up with me.

Soft skin was under my rough palm, and I squeezed as my hips bucked forward into the firm ass in front of me. A needy moan was followed by a slender hand reaching back and gripping my hip.

In my lust-filled half-awake state, I buried my face in the silky hair in front of me. My fingers pinched the peaked nipple and rolled it. Her back arched, pushing her tit into my hand, her ass into my cock, and I groaned.

A gasp was followed by her jumping up to a sitting position, which jarred my bad arm, making me wince and grit my teeth.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! How are you feeling?” she asked in a voice raspy from sleep and possibly the smoke from the night before. Her dark hair fell in sexy, knotted waves around her naked shoulders, but she held the sheet over her tits, which made me grouchy as fuck.