“Yeah. One on his ankle and one on his umbilicus, but she was able to access a key or whatever the hell it is to remove it.” Voodoo gave us a devastated look.

“Fucking A. Then how did they catch her before she got away?” Phoenix asked as he paced.

“She had him in a fucking tote bag. You can’t access the stairs from this floor without proper badge access, so she went down to the floor below, got off, then hit the stairs. She was going down when a doctor happened to pass her. He was busy on his tablet and didn’t think much of it until he heard a baby cry and didn’t remember seeing a baby with her.” Voodoo looked calmer, but still close to snapping.

“Jesus,” I muttered. “Do they know if it was random, or—”

I didn’t get a chance to finish before Jameson cut me off. “It was specific. The other nurse said the bitch came on shift saying she was a float nurse. They thought she looked familiar as a nurse from the hospital and had a legit badge, so they didn’t think anything of it, and they were swamped. She specifically made a point to offer to take Parker back to the room first.”

An uneasy feeling settled in my chest. Voodoo’s grandmother paused, and her eyes glazed over. It didn’t last long before her fearful gaze turned my direction. “Angel, where’s your boy?”

Korrie gasped out a stuttered sob as I pulled out my phone and call Lynda.

I called again. Venom tried the prospects. His eyes told me they weren’t answering either.

“Angel?” Korrie asked with terror in her eyes as she raised a trembling hand to cover her mouth.

“No answer,” I finally admitted. Goob and I looked at each other. “Go!” said Venom as Raptor, Goob, Chains, Ghost, and I darted for the door. Korrie was running after us. We stopped at the elevators as I turned to her.

“Babe. Need you to stay here.”

“No. No way,” she argued.

“We’re wasting time,” Ghost warned, holding the doors open. I gave in, knowing it was a bad idea. Finally, we all got in and the doors closed. Not wanting to wait for the elevator’s slow descent, but unable to take the stairs, I impatiently hit the button several more times, angry that it didn’t do any good.

The whole time, Korrie was whimpering, “Oh God, oh God, oh God.”

We burst out on the first floor.

After grabbing Korrie’s hand, I dragged her along as we ran like hell for the bikes. That time, she didn’t hesitate a second before launching herself behind me. We roared out of the lot and hauled ass down the road.

Praying for no cops, we flew. It took us about half the time to get back as it did to get to the hospital. When we arrived, it was to find the gate wide open. The guard shack appeared deserted.

“Shit!” I shouted behind my visor. Ghost waved us on as he pulled over by the shack. Not knowing if it was safe, I shook my head. We all skidded to a stop near the gate.

Cursing the fact that there was no cover, I grabbed Korrie and brought her inside the empty guard shack. She clutched the front of my cut before I could walk away. “No, Angel. No! I’m not staying here. Please. Let me go with you. Please!”

“Listen to me!” I gave her a slight shake as I gripped her upper arms. “I have no idea what we’re walking into. I don’t want to risk our son’s safety because I’m worried about you. Lock the door. It will only slow someone down if they tried to get in, but it’s better than nothing. Hide under the window and keep quiet. Can you do that for me?”

Tears trailed down her face as she nodded. Her eyes didn’t look like she was going to be able to hold it together, and I prayed I was wrong. I needed to know she was as safe as she could be. If it wasn’t my son’s safety at stake, I’d stay with her myself. Knowing I should’ve fought harder to make her stay at the hospital, I pressed a kiss to her forehead and left her to join my brothers.

And prayed like hell to the Creator that my son was safe.


When Angel told me to stay behind, I almost lost my shit. There was no way. That was my baby, and I wasn’t waiting behind.

But on that same note, when he told me to wait in the little building they had by the gate and explained why, I knew I didn’t want to risk my baby’s safety. At least I was here if he needed me. Even if everything was fine, I’d be here to hold him.

On the verge of screaming, I refused to consider that he might not be okay. Resting my head on my raised knees, I tried to breathe slowly.

I couldn’t believe someone had tried to steal Kira and Voodoo’s newborn baby boy. I couldn’t even imagine, but what I was feeling at that moment had to be pretty close. Not knowing if my son was safe was torture.

“Please, God, let him be okay. Please God,” I whispered to anyone up there that was listening.

Every little creak of the shed from the wind had me nearly jumping out of my skin.

Trying to think of anything I could do, I remembered my phone was in the inside pocket of my jacket. I pulled it out and tried to call Lynda myself. No answer.