“I don’t want dick shit from you,” I said. “Just to tell you this is for Kira Kalashnik.”

“Get out! I don’t owe anyone anything! I paid Kalashnik up front! And that was years ago!” he yelled as he grabbed his pants, still thinking he had the upper hand as I raised my weapon to his head. Chuckling, I watched him fumble and trip around trying to stuff himself back in his clothes.

“You really do live in your own little world, don’t you? Kalashnik is dead, but Kira’s husband isn’t. You fucked with the wrong person when you fucked with her. Now you won’t be fucking with anyone.” I carefully spoke the words that Voodoo had instructed me to say to ensure Lester Damon’s soul died with him.

“What the hell kind of gibberish is that?” he questioned as the fear he’d suppressed began to fill his eyes. The difference was, it remained there.

Surprise registered on his face seconds before the silencer did its job and muffled the gun’s report. The small hole it made in his forehead was quickly followed by a trail of red that ran down his nose. He toppled forward and whacked his head on the desk before falling to the floor.

Ugh, messy. Dammit.

I’d taken my first step in his direction when the side door flew open and I spun in surprise. Instinct had my gun pointed at the intruder.

Right before I pulled the trigger, shock jolted through me. Surely, my recent thoughts were making me see things.

“Korrie?” I whispered milliseconds before the gun she was holding went off and I fell to the floor.


30 minutes earlier…

“Ihate my fucking job,” I muttered as I sat in the office next door and listened to the grunting. It had been a shitty few days that had started on Friday.

I’d come in to try to get caught up, though I’d have given anything to not be there. For someone who didn’t really do much in the way of true politics, he still made sure I had a shit ton of crap to take care of for him. In my opinion, it was all to make Lester feel important when everyone knew he wasn’t.

When I’d shown up late that afternoon, I’d really thought Lester wouldn’t be around. Though it was a Tuesday, I wasn’t supposed to be working, so I thought maybe he’d go out. His car hadn’t been parked in the driveway, so I’d foolishly thought I was in the clear.

I was wrong.

I’d been opening the mail and filing reports when he came in through the connecting door.

“Well, hello, Korrie. Isn’t this a pleasant surprise! Thought you were out sick,” the asshole said callously before he slid his way over to invade my personal space.

His hand cupped my ass and squeezed. Lightning fast, I twisted, gripped his wrist, and snarled. “Touch me again and I will carve your eyes out,” I said as I held the letter opener toward his owlish eyes. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Easy! I don’t know why you have to be so damn uptight. We could have a lot of fun together if you’d loosen up,” he said with a leer.

“Fat chance,” I muttered. Thanks to my mother, I was stuck in that shitty job, but with what she held over my head, I didn’t have a choice.

Thankfully, he’d returned to his office shortly after that.

“Dammit. I shouldn’t have even come in at all.”

I’d worked furiously to finish what I needed to get done so I could get home but, I didn’t make it because Lester had come back before I got out of there. Hence the disgusting noises I was listening to through the wall. I was a little surprised that he was still “entertaining” when he didn’t think I was going to be there to clean up his mess.

I fuckinghatedTuesdays.

Suddenly they stopped. From my window, I saw a young woman rushing across the street to a car that sped off.

Hm, guess he paid her himself.I gagged to myself. Or maybe she decided she didn’t get paid enough to deal with his proclivities. Usually the “agency” that sent them had filled them in on what he wanted. They were paid through means I didn’t know or want to know. What I gave them was more like hush money. An expected tip, if you will, for putting up with the piece of shit.

It was disgusting and I hated it, but they all knew the score before they got there. Yet they still came. Then they left. Revolving door every Tuesday.

Except this time, I hadn’t given her a tip; she simply left. Lost in my thoughts, it was a minute before I realized I heard murmured speaking. Then there was a shout followed by a loud crash.

I jumped up, grabbing my gun from my purse. Fear skated down my spine as I worried whoever he was arguing with might know I was there.

My mind went crazy with the possibilities, but I calmly chambered a round.