Jasmine had indeed been livid. When we’d arrived back at the clubhouse, she’d thrown her shit in my room and glared at me like I was at fault.

“Jazzy, chill. Until we find out exactly who Dad is indebted to, this is for the best.” I tried to reason, but I don’t think she cared.

“This is bullshit, is what it is. My vacation was supposed to be spent in Hawaii on the beach, not here in your stinky clubhouse of whores,” she spat. She’d only been to the clubhouse a handful of times over the years. At first she’d asked to come to one of the club parties with some of her friends, and I thought maybe she’d enjoy hanging out there. Well, as long I was around to supervise. She still didn’t end up coming by often, but she’d pop in every so often. Then a couple of years ago, she quit coming by.

“Enough. Don’t kill the fucking messenger. Facet’s already on it, so we should have something soon.” Though I loved my little sister fiercely, she had a temper. Not one I was willing to put up with.

She appeared to crumple as her shoulders sagged and she dropped to the edge of the bed. “Jesus, I know, Jude, but shit. When am I going to be free of him? I’m almost twenty-six years old. Old enough to be able to turn my back on him if I see fit. Yet, I can’t because his stupid-ass decisions keep affecting me to this day.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed. “I get it. Trust me, I get it.”

She threw herself back on the bed and huffed. “I hope this bedding is clean.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “Cleaned this morning.”

“No skanks are gonna try to get in here while you’re gone, are they?”

“No, Jazz,” I patiently replied.

Then I sat next to her and reached out to hold her hand.

“What did he want from you, Jude?” she asked, suddenly subdued. “Because I know he wanted something.” It shouldn’t have surprised me that she knew. We’d been close, and over the years it always seemed like we could sense when the other was seriously emotional. Times when the other was struggling either physically or mentally. This would probably qualify as one of those times.

“I’d rather not discuss it,” I tried to argue. She bolted up to sit next to me. Her soft hands grasped my chin, turning my face to hers.

“Jude. What does he want? Money?” The expression and her tone told me she wasn’t letting the subject drop.

If it had been club business, I could’ve said as much and been at ease with my reply. But since it was personal, I was having a hard time keeping the shit from my sister. The issue was that if I told her, I knew what her response would be.

“Obviously something you really don’t want to do, which tells me he needs your gift. The question is, for himself or someone else? I have a hard time believing he told anyone after all this time, so my money is on him. What’s wrong with him?” she demanded.

“Jesus, you’re relentless,” I grumbled. “Why can’t you let it be? Just know that your safety is potentially in jeopardy and I’m not willing to risk that.”

“You’re damn right I’m relentless. You taught me to be strong my whole fucking life, Jude. Why are you so surprised when I exhibit the behaviors you’ve cultivated?”

“Let’s leave it at you’re very close and move on. I need to get on the road. My flight leaves soon, and we need to get through Des Moines traffic to the airport.” I looped an arm around her and pulled her close. “Love you, Jazzy.”

“Ugh, I wish you wouldn’t call me that,” she muttered into my cut. A grin split my face.

“Too bad.”

“So who all is gonna be here if you’re leaving?” She pushed back and looked me in the eye with a frown. “I’m not stupid. I know you’re leaving me with a babysitter.”

“Several of the guys will be here off and on. Facet, Chains, and Blade live here in the clubhouse, so they’ll be around.” Her cheeks flushed slightly, and her gaze dropped.

“Hey.” I tipped her chin up. “It’s going to be okay. Are you worried? You’ll be safe here. I promise.”

She pasted a brave but artificial smile on her face and shrugged. “I’ll be fine. I just didn’t plan on any of this. I thought I’d be leaving for sunny beaches on Monday. Instead, I’m here. Still surrounded by snow.”

“Hopefully it won’t be long. We’re working on trying to figure out what we can do to help the situation, but we have a few other things to take care of too.” I kissed her forehead. “Love you, sis.”

“Love you too, Jude.”

“If you need anything, Chains is in the common area. Facet will be back soon, and the prospects will be around. Kira said she’d come by with some supper for you if you were up to it.” I stood and grabbed my small carry-on bag.

Briefly, she closed her eyes. Then she took a deep breath and pressed her lips together. “I’ll be fine. I can make something or order something. I don’t really know her. Maybe I’ll go to sleep early.”

“There’s plenty of shit in the kitchen if you feel like cooking. Don’t order anything to be delivered. One of the guys can go get it for you.”