Kira swore, and I looked to make sure everything was okay. “I’m so sorry,” she said as a prospect went to grab the mop to clean up the pitcher of water she’d spilled.

“If Croc was here, we wouldn’t be using the fucking mop,” muttered Chains as he took his shot. He was right. Croc had been our member with the gift of water manipulation. Not only wouldn’t we be using the mop, it was weird not to see him around. He’d thrown us all for a loop when he’d announced he was headed to goddamn Australia. It wasn’t something we saw coming, but he seemed happy the last time we talked to him.

The phone rang, and the prospect manning the bar answered.

“Angel, prospect at the gate says there’s someone asking for you,” he said.

“Who is it?” I asked suspiciously, because I hadn’t been expecting anyone.

“Says he’s your father,” the prospect replied after asking. My spine stiffened, and I ground my teeth together. I hadn’t spoken to the man since the day we laid my mother in the ground eight years ago.

Voodoo’s gaze darted in my direction. “I’m going with you. This one you can’t deny me,” he growled.

Unable to gather my words, I nodded. When I got up, not only did Voodoo follow behind me, so did every brother in the room. A weird ripple in my stomach had me swallowing hard.

This is family—not the piece of shit at the gate.

We all ignored the cold as we crossed the lot to the gate. The prospect was outside of the guard shack, watching the man who called himself a father.

“What the fuck do you want?” I barked out before I even stopped walking.

“Jude,” he cajoled. “Don’t be like that. I um, can we talk alone?”

“Hell, no. Anything you have to say to me can be said in front of my brothers.” I scoffed.

He blew heated air into his hands as he tried to see if I’d give in and call off my brothers. Not a chance in hell.

“I need your help.”

“Excuse me?” I snorted in disbelief. “You think I’d be willing to help you? I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.”

His pleading look dissipated, and his eyes went cold. He stepped closer to the bars and quietly said, “If you don’t want all your little secrets to get out, you might want to help your old man.”

My hand shot between the bars, jerking his body until his face was pulled between the bars. “Don’t fucking threaten me.”

No, I didn’t want them to know some of the dark secrets I kept hidden in the even darker recesses of my mind. But if this piece of shit wanted to threaten me, he had another thing coming.

“Then do it because you care about your sister,” he choked out. His face still framed by the bars, cheeks smashed into them, he locked his gaze on mine.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” My lip curled in disgust.

“Meet with me in private, and I’ll tell you what I’m talking about,” he bartered.

“I don’t fucking trust you. Either Voodoo is with me or you can go fuck yourself.”


I turned to look at the brothers who had my back. At my nod, they fell back, but they still stood by the door to the clubhouse where they could see us. Voodoo stayed at my side.

“Talk. You have five minutes,” I growled out, losing patience. My breath caused little clouds to form as I spoke.

“I have cancer,” he said. I barked out a laugh, and he glared.

“Well, I guess Karma exists after all,” I said with an evil grin. “So what the fuck does that have to do with me?”

“I need you to, uh, fix me,” he admitted.

I stood there blinking. Finally, I shook myself. “Excuse me, what?”