The faint tingling snuck in and the pressure built until the explosion hit me and I shattered. Blind with the bliss that pulsed through me, I cried out, arched my body into his, and drifted. As reality sifted through the euphoric haze, I realized he’d stopped and was heavily panting as he held himself tense above me.

“Jude?” I questioned. His dark eyes opened and found mine as I reached up to kiss him. It was a soft plea of a kiss that he answered with a savage reply. His tongue delved into my mouth, and we battled for something out of reach.

He broke free and flipped us over so I was astride him. The shock of the sudden movement sent a squeal from me, and my thighs clutched his hips.

Raising his arms above his head, he watched me as I noted all of the changes the years had wrought.

My fingertips followed the contours of his chest. Muscles that he hadn’t had at sixteen tempted me, and I trailed my hands over them in wonder as he silently watched my movements. “These are new,” I said as I traced the lines of the tattoos on his arm and side. He nodded.

Every fiber in my body tensed when his thick cock twitched inside me. “Jude!” His name was both a prayer and a curse as I found myself desperately needing to move. Instinct had me riding him slowly. His lips parted and he watched me with hooded eyes as he brought his arms down to grip my hips with his fingers.

While I sensually rode him, he rose up to grind into me. It was heavenly, but then it always had been with him. Through the years I’d questioned whether the thrill had been in not getting caught. Now, I knew it was so much more than that.

On a particularly powerful thrust up into me, he gritted out his demand. “Fuck me.”

My heart tripped and my stomach fluttered with a million butterflies trying to escape. Digging my fingers into the firm muscles of his chest, I did as he commanded.

Slapping skin beat out the tempo of lust, but the undercurrents were something far stronger. Tendrils of feelings I thought had been destroyed, reached out and wrapped around me, tying me to him in ways the human mind couldn’t comprehend.

“Get there, baby,” he ground out through clenched teeth, and one hand slipped down for his thumb to circle my clit. The endearment that slipped out caused my motion to stutter until sheer need took over and I used his body to reach my climax for the second time.

Again, the world tilted on its axis as the greatest pleasure flooded me. Through every spasm, I jerked and shuddered until he thrust up one last time and shouted my name.

Completely drained, I collapsed on his chest as my heaving breaths slowed and my heart ceased its hammering. My nose nuzzled into his neck to savor his scent. As I drifted off, I was aware of his rough hands stroking my back and hips.

Several more times throughout the night he woke me with kisses to my shoulders, my neck, or my temples. Each time I reached for him with needy limbs, stealing emotion and ecstasy in the dark of the night.

His whispered words made me want things I knew I couldn’t have. “You feel so fucking good. Made for me. What I wouldn’t give to go back.”

After the last round, as the sun was peeking around the dark curtains, he held me. My back curled into his front, I felt his body shudder and the soft sob that escaped him.

“Let go, I won’t let you fall,” I whispered.

“It’s too late. I’m already a fallen angel,” he whispered back and though I pressed his hand harder to my chest, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.

I woke up in the bed alone. The eerie silence of the room told me he was gone. My chest collapsed as tears leaked from my eyes. Blindly reaching for his pillow to search for his scent, I grabbed onto a small piece of paper.

It was a note written in his meticulously neat handwriting on the hotel notepad.


My goddess of the underworld. I wanted to hate you. You have no idea how I wish things could be different, but I have commitments that I can’t get out of and you have school to finish. If it’s meant to be, maybe our paths will cross again. Until then, take care and remember I loved you more than was safe.


“I love you more than is wise,” I whispered, and my fingernail traced his words. The fact that he used the past tense told me all I needed to know. Regardless of what we had once meant to each other, that time had passed.

I’d seen him at the funeral in his uniform full of ribbons and had run my fingertips through his short raspy hair. I knew what that meant. He’d been handsome as a young man, but the soldier he’d become was so much more that he took my breath away.

What he didn’t know was, he also took my heart.

While I knew there would never be anyone like him for me again, I was also realistic enough to know the season of our time together had ended. What we’d shared the night before had been closure.


But then why did it hurt so bad?
