“You doing okay? Need anything?”

“Nah, bro, I’m good. Thank you again,” he said eyes bouncing from me to the wall before blinking rapidly.

“No thanks needed,” I said with a slight lift of my chin. He seemed decidedly uncomfortable. The faint scars were visible on his chest, side, and abdomen from where I’d healed him. I got where his head was, because I could attest to the mental disruption at being faced with one’s own mortality.

When Korrie had inadvertently shot me, I’d been sure I was going to die.

“Well, if there’s anything you need, let me know.”

He nodded, and I gently closed his door.

Moving on to the room where my woman awaited, I quickened my steps, pushing all the shit out of my mind.

After losing myself in the perfection of her body, I fell into a restless sleep.

I didn’t sleep much that night, but bright and early the next morning, I was waking my woman up with kisses along her spine.

“Mmm, what are you doing?” she mumbled into her pillow. The next kiss I gave her, I teased along her spine with my tongue. Goose bumps broke out across her skin, and a wicked grin curled my lips.

“You need to get up,” I whispered along the soft curve of her shoulder.

“The sun is barely up,” she moaned with a wrinkle of her nose.

“We have an appointment,” I said against her neck after brushing her hair out of the way.

“For?” One eye stared up at me.

“You forget already? I must’ve fucked you senseless,” I said. “Now get up or we’re going to be late because I’m going to lift that ass in the air and give you a few orgasms before you make it out of this bed.”

She chuckled. “Is that supposed to be a threat? Or is it a promise? Because either way, I think I’d like to try it.”

With a growl, I pulled down the sheet and bit the plump cheek of her ass. She squealed as she jumped up and I quieted her with a kiss. “You’ll wake Trace,” I said between kisses.

She pushed me back and straddled me. When I began to stiffen under her, she ground her hot core over me until I was aching to thrust inside her. It would only take a slight adjustment of my hips and I’d be surrounded by warm, wet, pussy.

“We don’t have time,” I moaned. Her hands splayed over my chest, and the curtain of her deep red tresses surrounded her and tickled my skin.

Her expression became serious as she stilled. “Thank you,” she simply said.

“For?” It was my turn to question.

“The other night. With my mother,” she said and swallowed hard as her gaze dropped to my pecs. “You’re right. I’m not sure I’d have been able to live with myself if I’d gone through with it.”

“Baby,” I began as I reached up to cradle her face. “Look at me.”

Those beautiful eyes locked on mine.

“I’ll always be here for you. I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe. You and Trace.” My hand feathered along her neck to her tits, then to circle her bellybutton. “And any other little munchkins we create.”

Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink, and she tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. I decided to let her in on where we were going.

“Today you’re gonna get inked with my brand. Then one of these days really fucking soon, I’m going to marry you like I should’ve years ago and put another baby in this belly. Except this time I’ll be around for every single second. Yeah?”

Doe eyes blinked down at me before she nodded. “Yeah, that sounds amazing.”

“Then let’s get our asses in gear.”

We got up, showered, and got dressed. While she finished doing her hair and whatever other girly shit women did before they could enter the world, I got our son up and dressed.