I was unable to stop another orgasm from barreling through me, and my back arched from the bed as my eyes rolled.

“Yes,” he gasped as he gave another stroke. “Yes, yes, yes,” he chanted, the words punctuated by another thrust, until he collapsed and rolled me with him. Coming down from the heights of euphoria, we rode the waves in a tangle of sweat-slick limbs until we were buoyantly floating on the aftereffects.

“I love you.” I murmured my admission between ragged breaths.

“And I love you. You’re mine,” he said into my hair.

Though he’d succeeded in distracting me for the moment, my need for revenge was fierce. It would take more than earth-shattering orgasms to appease the angry beast within.

My mother was going to pay.


Another uncharacteristically warm day had wrapped up and we’d taken advantage of the nice weather. With everything that had happened over the past week and with what was coming up, we all needed some wind therapy.

Jasmine had agreed to stay with Trace while the rest of us went for a ride, but I worried about her. She’d been withdrawn and had quit her job that she loved. Yet she refused to talk to a counselor or anyone else. Both Hawk and Venom tried to talk to her, but she wouldn’t let them near her.

Our father had tried to text her immediately upon our return, and it seemed a little too conveniently timed to be coincidental. From what Facet had uncovered, we were pretty sure the bookies my father owed money to were connected to the Bloody Scorpions.

We were finishing shit once and for all. The Bloody Scorpions weren’t going to be anywhere near our territory.

Before we left this time, we ensured security was tight as fuck. Besides that, we’d made sure to have plenty of hands on deck at the clubhouse. Two prospects, the old-timers, Goob and Chains, as well as a few of the club girls that liked to hang out had all stayed behind. Korrie had given the last a side-eye but didn’t say anything.

After a ride that was entirely too short, we pulled back into the compound and lined the bikes up, engines ticking as they cooled off. If we didn’t have church soon, we’d have stayed out longer. A few of the brothers stood around shooting the shit as some wandered inside.

“What an amazing ride,” Korrie said with a wide grin, flushed cheeks, and a delighted twinkle in her eyes. Tugging on her braid playfully, I pulled her close and kissed her. She still wouldn’t agree to stay, but she’d admitted she loved me, and that was the first step.

“Yes, it sure was,” I agreed.

“I’m going to check on Parker,” Kira announced as she tugged off her gloves. Voodoo smacked her ass as she started to walk off, and she threw him a glare, though it didn’t carry much weight as she then giggled.

“I’ll come with, if you don’t mind,” Korrie said with a smile. “I miss those days, and I want to check on Trace.”

“Absolutely.” Kira beamed. The two girls entered the clubhouse arm-in-arm, and I thought about what Korrie had said to Kira. The image of her heavy with my child sent a pang of longing through me.

Voodoo’s chuckle broke through my musings, and I glanced his way. “It might be sooner than you think,” he said cryptically.

My face heated, but I smiled hopefully. Then I checked the time. “We better get our asses in gear,” I said quietly so only he heard. He took a quick look around and started walking toward the clubhouse with me. Once we made it through the door, we hurried faster.

When the door blasted open and the sounds of boots hitting concrete started, we took off running.

Bursting through the chapel doors, we dove for our seats. Venom, Raptor, Ghost, Goob, Chains, Kicker, and Blade were already seated at the table. Venom raised a brow at our antics. I couldn’t help but laugh. Then he shot a patient look toward the rest of the brothers filing in.

Squirrel and Facet were the last ones in, with Facet dropping into his seat a split second before Squirrel, who groaned. “Not again. Goddamn it. I had to clean the shitters the last two times. You assholes need to learn better aim or you need to quit drinking so damn much before you piss,” he grumbled with a pained expression.

Everyone laughed at him as he plopped in his seat and crossed his arms belligerently. It had happened to us all at least once or twice. Once you cleaned the shitters, you sure as hell didn’t relish doing it again the next week.

Venom banged his fist on the table to get everyone’s attention.

“Pipe down. We have shit to discuss.” His glower hit each of us, and we sobered and sat up straighter in our chairs.

We spent the next hour discussing the job we’d recently completed and strategizing our next move. The Bloody Scorpions in our area were still up and running, which we all agreed wouldn’t be for much longer. We also discussed Korrie’s mother and her connection with former senator Damon. Some of the shit Facet had uncovered also alluded to his possible involvement with the Bloody Scorpions and the sex trafficking ring they operated.

Tonight, they were having a celebration of life for their deceased members in the form of a big party. Several of their out of town brothers would be there as well, but that wasn’t a concern for us. They were all cut from the same dirty cloth.

Once we had a plan in place, Venom called church and we dispersed. Everyone had shit on their mind after that meeting. We knew we were taking a big gamble. They had no proof we were the ones who torched their crack house and rescued the women, but we all knew they had an idea.

“Dad!” Trace said excitedly from the couch where he and Korrie were curled up watching a movie on the big screen. Kira was in the recliner with Parker, and Lynda was knitting baby shit in the other recliner.