“He’s exhausted,” I snarled. “The poor thing has been through a lot, thanks to you jerks.”

He stepped into the room, grabbed my hair, and shoved the gun to my head. “Don’t get mouthy. Where you’re going, they don’t appreciate theirtoysbeing bitchy.”

His words struck terror in my heart, and I cast a glance at Lynda. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what they planned to do with us.

By her expression, I was pretty sure she had come to the same conclusion.

Without warning, he jerked me upright, and I lost my hold on Trace. Like a rag doll, he fell forward. Thankfully, Lynda caught him and pulled him protectively to her chest.

“Since you were living with the Bastards, I’m doubting you’re a virgin. Regardless of who your brother is, I bet you warmed a lot of those beds. Which means there’s nothing saying I can’t sample the merchandise before we ship your ass down the road.” He dragged me by my hair to the door. With my eyes, I begged Lynda to take care of Trace. In my heart, I prayed as hard as I could that my brother and his friends found us soon, but I was afraid it was a prayer that would go unanswered.

As the guy locked the door behind us, he shoved me against it until my cheek was smashed to the rough wood. With a dark chuckle, he was grinding his dick into my ass. Thankfully, there were two layers of denim between us.

“I’m gonna enjoy this. Might even video it to send to your brother,” he whispered in my ear.

Out of the corner of my eye, I stared at the lethal-looking scorpion tattooed on his face.

That’s when it dawned on me that he wasn’t making any effort to hide his identity.

By the time I was shoved back into the small room, I ached from the roots of my hair to my toenails. I was bruised, battered, and broken. Yet, I tried to stay strong, because my nephew was counting on me to keep him safe or find a way out.

“Let me fix you, Auntie Jazz,” he whispered as I curled up in a ball.

“You can’t do that. It makes you so tired, and I need you to stay strong for Miss Lynda,” I said as I coughed, then groaned. Lynda’s eyes teared up, and I begged her with my gaze to stay strong.

“Let’s try to get some sleep,” I said, because I was too tired to talk anymore. Closing my eyes, I tried not to remember the things he’d done to me. The three of us curled up together for warmth, and I fought breaking down.

The next morning, I woke to being dragged up by my neck. A cry escaped me, waking Trace and Lynda. When I fought to gain my feet, Trace jumped up and bolted toward the man pulling me out of the room.

“No!” he shouted as he charged. Lynda went after him and spun him away right as the man struck out with a booted foot. I heard the crack of bone as Lynda screamed and fell to the floor with Trace held in her arms.

As the door was being slammed shut, I saw Trace swing wild eyes my direction, then he crouched over Lynda. I groaned at the knowledge that he’d do what was natural to him and heal her at the detriment of himself.

I was thrown down on the bare dirty mattress with my blood dried on it, and I knew in my heart there would be more.

For two days, I was used by the man with the Scorpion tattoo.

I’d begun to give up hope.


“Baby, wake up.” The words registered at the same time the shaking sifted through my sleep, waking me. My head was groggy, and I was disoriented. Then I remembered taking the pill Angel had given me for anxiety. I hated taking medication because it always hit me so hard.

“Mmm,” I mumbled as I stretched, still caught up in my sleep.

“Baby, I would’ve liked to let you sleep, but this is important.” Blinking as I rolled my eyes to clear them, I watched Angel’s face take shape over me.

“Trace?” I asked hopefully.

Pain flickered in his gaze, and I knew there was still nothing. He took a deep breath and heavily exhaled. “No. Your mother is here demanding to see you.”

My eyes shot open, and I was suddenly wide awake. “What? How?”

“No clue, but she won’t talk to anyone but you.” His expression was stoic, but I knew he wasn’t happy either.

When I sat up quickly, I got light-headed and clasped the soft leather of his cut. His rough fingers wrapped around mine. “I’ve got you,” he murmured.

“Let’s go see what the dragon wants,” I said with a grimace.