“Agreed,” said Ghost.

“Easy, we can’t go running off half-cocked. We need to find out where they have Trace, Lynda, and Jasmine. Once they’re safe, then we can proceed, but we need to vote on it. We’re talking about a serious mess.” My stomach cramped at Venom’s words, because I hated that he was right.

“You already know my vote,” I ground out.

“And mine,” seconded Ghost.

With a chorus of affirmative responses, the vote was cast.

“Then we get our family back and we end this.” Venom’s tone was dark and final. “Until we figure this shit out, we remain on lockdown.”

The door to the chapel swung open. Madame Laveaux regally stood there waiting. I’d met the woman on numerous occasions over the years, and she always sent a shiver of awe through me.

“What can I do?” she questioned.

“We’d like you to try to see where they’re being held or anything that might help. I know it’s a long shot, but we’d appreciate anything you can give us, ma’am. We would be willing to compensate you for the use of your gift.” Venom was accordingly respectful of the powerful voodoo priestess.

“Pssh,” she scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. You are all my family. I’ve never charged you before; I refuse to start now. I’ll need use of Voodoo’s temple.”

“Hawk? Can you please escort her to the temple?” Venom asked Hawk, who nodded without hesitation.

“Thank you, Madame Laveaux,” I said softly. She stepped forward and laid a wrinkled but bejeweled hand on my head. For a moment she paused.

With a kind smile, she slid her hand down to cup my cheek. “Your son has an exceptional gift.”

I closed my eyes and nodded. “Yes, I know.”

“Hmm. More than you realize.” With that cryptic message, she spun in a swirl of deep red fabric, leaving behind the light scent of lavender and maybe clove. She barked out, “Hurry, Hawk. Time’s wasting.”

While we waited for Madame Laveaux, Venom called a break, and I went to check on Korrie.

As I quietly entered the room, I took in her sleeping form bundled under the covers. Her chestnut hair was splayed across the pillow, and her dark lashes feathered over her cheeks. I sat on the bed next to her and fingered the silky ends of her fiery hair.

“I love you,” I whispered. Years ago, I knew being with me might end up being dangerous for her, which was why I’d never contacted her after the night of my mother’s funeral. But never in a million years had I envisioned something like this.

I prayed for the safe return of our son and silently made her the promise to go to the ends of the earth to find him. I also prayed that being with me didn’t put her in further danger—that I’d always be able to keep her and Trace safe in the future.

Shame and self-condemnation filled me that I’d allowed him to be taken. My chest caved at the agony his absence was causing. It was crazy how I’d always said I didn’t want children but so quickly couldn’t imagine my life without him—and didn’t want to, either.

Letting her sleep, I silently left the room. Then I sought out Venom.

“Prez?” I said as I looked in his office, where he sat at his desk deep in thought.

“Yeah? What can I do for you? Is Madame Laveaux back already?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“No, I wanted permission to take a few of the brothers to go look for them. I can’t sit here and wait. I need to do something.” My nerves were rapidly fraying with the helplessness that was burning though me.

He sighed and ran a ringed hand over his head. “Yeah. Take three brothers that are willing to go. I’m not assigning anyone, just whoever wants to go. Leave enough here to protect the compound. We’re going to have to take shifts.”

“Roger that,” I replied and spun on my heel.

Ghost, Chains, and Phoenix went with me. We drove over to the Bloody Scorpions clubhouse and parked a block away. We went in closer on foot. Ghost went in cloaked, but there was no sign of the women and Trace. There was also no sign of Skid.

“Shit, now what?” I asked as I ripped off my beanie and ruffled my hair in agitation.

“The only thing we can do is drive around in hopes of catching a glimpse of Skid or a sign of the women,” Phoenix said with fire in his eyes.

Chains slammed his fist into the side of the building we’d parked near. “This is bullshit! We should burn that fucking clubhouse to the ground!”